Philip Cafaro on immigration and population

Here are some of the bullet points of what to do from “Arguments for Reducing Immigration” from Life on the Brink.

  • Cut legal immigration from 1 million to 200,000 per year
  • Reduce illegal immigration by strictly enforcing sactions against employers who hire illegal workers (it is fruitless to try to lower legal immigration levels while ignoring or condoning illegal immigration).Rework trade agreements, and increase and improve development aid, to help people live better lives and rein in population growth in their own countries
  • Increase funding for family planning clinics and take other steps to improve easy, inexpensive access to contraception domestically
  • Preserve the right to abortion (forcing women to bear children they do not want is unjust, and forcing them to have illegal abortions is dangerous)
  • End tax breaks and other government subsidies that encourage American citizens to have more children

Foreign policy:

  • Increase funding for international family planning efforts, to help secure safe, affordable contraception in other countries
  • Vigorously support women’s reproductive rights (including abortion rights) and girls’ equal rights to primary and secondary education, worldwide.
  • Deny all foreign aid and any immigration slots to nations that fail to commit to stabilizing their populations or sharing wealth fairly among their citizens

Cafaro points out that if you aren’t willing to reduce immigration into the United states, then you can’t avoid the environmental implications of your position.  If you want to continue to let in 1.5 million immigrants, then you support a population of 700 million Americans by 2100, or 850 million if you supported the 2.5 million per year Edward Kennedy & John McCain bill of 2007 (which President Bush and then-senator Obama also supported).  If you want 1.5 to 2.5 million people per year, then you also want more cars, more houses, more shopping mals, more power lines, more concrete and asphalt.  You are against habitat and resources for wildlife, against water in the rivers and streams for fish, want fewer forests, prairies, and wetlands, fewer wild birds and wild animals in general.  You’d like to see human beings replace all these other species.  You reject sustainability.

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