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- Can Geothermal power replace declining fossil fuels?
- Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
- Why coal was only created once
- Failed Nations
- We already have a date for the zenith of civilization: 2025-2026
- Escape to Mars after we’ve trashed the Earth?
- Spermageddon: Sperm is declining around the world
- Thorium nuclear bombs and reactors have too many challenges
- Who Killed the Electric Car & more importantly, the Electric Truck?
- President Carter’s energy solutions 1977
- Peak Menhaden
- Hemp for paper, textiles, the war on drugs, and more
- Why towns have a hard time adding EV, solar, heat pumps
- Building a national super grid in America
- The Mayflower from the book The Barbarous Years
Author Archives: energyskeptic
Peak Menhaden
Preface. This is a book review of: Bruce Franklin’s 2007 The Most Important Fish in the Sea. Menhaden and America. Island Press. I’d never heard of menhaden until my husband, who grew up in Florida, mentioned them. Just half a … Continue reading
Hemp for paper, textiles, the war on drugs, and more
Hemp product categories include: Clothing & Accessories, Health & Wellness, Food & Drinks, Pet Supplies, Beauty & Skincare, Farming & Gardening, Home & Office supplies, Automobiles, Industrial. Source: Top 50 Hemp Products You Can Get Online Preface. If you … Continue reading
Posted in Farming and Ranching
Tagged crop, environment, hemp, paper, textiles, war on drugs
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The Mayflower from the book The Barbarous Years
Preface. It was recently Thanksgiving so I thought I’d post something from Mann’s 1491 about the pilgrims that I later found out was grievously wrong from an expert who gives lectures on the Mayflower history. Here is a more subtle, … Continue reading
The deep sea is a desperate place to drill for more
Preface. Peak crude oil is on a plateau that is likely to peak soon, but when it happens we won’t be out of oil, just halfway through. Giant fields continue to be found, but in the deep ocean or arctic … Continue reading
Book review of “Livewired. The inside story of the ever-changing brain”
Preface. This book conveys a sense of wonderment and awe about our brains work and how we become who we are. I think if you read the excerpts below you will understand why Artificial Intelligence will probably never come close … Continue reading
Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Evolution
Tagged artificial intelligence, brain, neurons
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The conveyor belt may be slowing down — Yikes!
Preface. The conveyor belt (AMOC: Atlantic meridional overturning circulation) may be slowing down. If it stops, floods, increased sea level rise, and disturbed weather systems. Until recently the IPCC and other scientists didn’t think this might happen until 2300 or … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Peak Food, Sea Level Rise
Tagged AMOC, climate change, conveyor belt, ocean currents, sea level rise
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Battery Energy storage batteries (BESS) too complex to ever be commercial
Source: RWE connects its first utility-scale battery storage project to the California grid Preface. In 2024 if all of the BESS battery storage time were added up, they could store 8 of the 8,760 hours of annual electricity generated in … Continue reading
Posted in Battery - Utility Scale
Tagged battery energy storage system, BESS, fire, thermal runaway
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New war and energy alliances over next resource wars
Preface. My greatest fear is nuclear war over the remaining resources on earth, since that has the potential of driving us extinct. I don’t believe there are enough fossil fuels left to do that via climate change because world conventional … Continue reading