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Category Archives: Travel
The shocking truth about life in Saudi Arabia: Oppression, conformity, & poverty
Preface. Saudi Arabia produces 1 in 4 barrels of oil. Their fate will affect all of us as energy declines. Yet most Saudis are poor despite the $400 billion in income from oil. They lack decent homes, health care, sanitation, … Continue reading
Posted in Travel
Tagged conformity, oil, religion, saudi arabia, women
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Book review of Door to Door and the amazing world of transportation
Edward Humes. 2016. Door to Door: The Magnificent, Maddening, Mysterious World of Transportation. HarperCollins. A book review by Alice Friedemann at author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation, 2015, Springer] I was in the … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Transportation, Travel
Tagged supply chains, transportation, trucks
Book review of Murderers in Mausoleums. Riding the back roads of empire between Moscow and Beijing
Book review of Murderers in Mausoleums. Riding the back roads of empire between Moscow and Beijing. Jeffrey Tayler. 2009. This was a very timely book to read while the crisis is unfolding now in the Ukraine. One of the reasons … Continue reading
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Stuck in a Land Rover watching women do all the work
A book review by Alice Friedemann of Ann Jones “Looking for Lovedu. Days and Nights in Africa”. 2001. The book deserves 5 stars in terms of hardship and difficulty. It ought to be required reading in schools to alert women … Continue reading
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