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Category Archives: Biodiversity Loss
Your life and the economy depend on biodiversity
Preface. We are trained in school, newspapers, and TV to view the world politically and economically. Not ecologically. The World Economic Forum article below is an excellent summary of why biodiversity is so important, as much as climate change, which … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Limits To Growth
Tagged biodiversity, ecology, ecosystems, limits to growth
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Reducing pesticides with crop diversity
Preface. Pesticides are the main cause of the insect apocalypse, which reverberates up the food chain, leading to loss of biodiversity and extinction. And pesticides are made out of oil, which probably peaked globally in 2018, and pesticides only last … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Farming & Ranching, Pesticides
Tagged agriculture, biodiversity, pesticides
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Global Ice melting
Preface. As the Arctic ice melt accelerates due to climate change it could release more than 1 trillion pieces of plastic into the ocean over the next decade, possibly posing a major threat to marine life (Lewis 2014). The rate … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Oceans, Sea Level Rise
Tagged biodiversity, climate change, fish, ice melt, plastic, sea level rise
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We’ve wiped out two-thirds of wildlife in just 50 years
Last updated 2022-4-28 Preface. Human over-consumption is driving extinction far more than climate change. Humans began reducing biodiversity 4 million years ago, when large carnivores in Africa began disappearing (Faurby, S., et al. 2020. Brain expansion in early hominins predicts … Continue reading
Livestock threatened by toxic invasive species on rangeland
Preface. Will cattle, sheep,goats, and horses have to be raised on feed lots in the future to prevent range land poisoning from invasive plants? Each year poisonous plants adversely affect 3-5% of the cattle, sheep, and horses that graze western … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, BioInvasion, Farming & Ranching, Peak Food
Tagged biodiversity loss, Bioinvasion, invasive species, plants
Only a fifth of Earth’s land has little human influence
Preface. Humans have basically taken over the best land on the planet, the places where we aren’t ruining it are really cold, high or dry areas of land, such as arctic landscapes, mountainous areas or deserts. Alice Friedemann author … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Deforestation, Limits To Growth, Overpopulation
Tagged land use, limits to growth, overpopulation
Climate Change dominates news coverage at expense of other existential planetary boundaries
Preface. In the half dozen science magazines and newspapers I get, almost the only environmental stories are about climate change. Yet there are 8 other ecological boundaries (Rockström 2009) we must not cross (shown in bold with an asterisk below) … Continue reading
Scientists’ warning to humanity on insect extinctions
Preface. Below are excerpts from two articles on why the extinction of insects could lead to our own extinction, not to mention all the other species on earth. Though if peak oil did happen in 2018 (citations chapter 2 of … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Extinction, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged extinction, insects
Invasion of feral hogs yet another hazard for the future
Preface. The Decline category used to be Death By A Thousand Cuts. Feral hogs are yet another cut for anyone who survives peak oil. Not only will climate change be drastically cutting back food production, feral hogs will too, and … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, BioInvasion, Disease, Farming & Ranching
Tagged agriculture, Bioinvasion, disease, feral pigs, wild hogs
Peak Sand
Preface. With world peak oil production in 2018 so far (Peak oil is here!) it looks like peak sand won’t be the main factor in the fall of our fossil-fueled civilization. After all, oil makes all materials and activities possible, … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Concrete, Peak Sand, Soil
Tagged biodiversity, concrete, ecosystem destruction, food loss, peak sand, shoreline erosion
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