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Category Archives: CO2 and Methane
External costs of coal: probably over $500 billion per year in USA
Paul R. Epstein, et al. 2011. Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal in “Ecological Economics Reviews.” Robert Costanza, Karin Limburg & Ida Kubiszewski, Eds. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1219: 73–98. This paper tabulates a wide range of … Continue reading
Posted in Chemicals, CO2 and Methane, Coal, Hazardous Waste, Water Pollution
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PNAS: Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises
Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises. 2013. sponsored by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Intelligence community. This was the best summary of the 223 page National Academy of Sciences publication I could … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane
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Peak fossil fuels means global warming less than projected
This Science article states we could emit CO2 at the same rate we are now for another 50 years before going over the 2 degrees Celsius level we need to avoid a runaway greenhouse. Since we are at peak world fossil … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Coal, Global Warming, Oil
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Laughing Gas — nitrous oxide — could deplete ozone and cook the planet
2 Sep 2009. Laughing gas set to deplete the ozone layer. NewScientist. 28 August 2009. Lisa Grossman. Laughing gas is biggest threat to ozone layer. NewScientist. 21 July 2012. Michael Marshall. Laughing gas may cook the planet. NewScientist. The ozone … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, CO2 and Methane, Heat, Ozone Loss
Tagged climate change, depletion, global warming, loss, nitrous oxide, ozone
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Dying seagrass is releasing massive amounts of carbon dioxide
23 May 2012. Mowing down seagrass meadows will cut loose carbon. NewScientist. SEagrass has as much carbon as the world’s forests and the carbon dioxide contained in them could be released as they are dying off from water pollution, dredging, … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, CO2 and Methane, Oceans
Tagged carbon dioxide, climage change, seagrass
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Peak Coal already happened or likely soon, so worst IPCC scenarios may never happen
[ The good news is that The IPCC has greatly exaggerated the amount of coal reserves we actually have The scientists below find that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has greatly exaggerated coal reserves, so the IPCC scenario … Continue reading
Posted in But not from climate change: Peak Fossil Fuels, Climate Change, CO2 and Methane, Coal, Global Warming, Peak Coal, Planetary Boundaries, Runaway Greenhouse
Tagged peak coal
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