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Category Archives: Climate Change
Sea Level Rise
[ There are four major sources of sea level rise that are related to human activity: thermal expansion (as ocean water heats up, it physically expands), melting mountain glaciers worldwide, the continental ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, and the … Continue reading
Posted in Sea Level Rise
Tagged climate change, ice sheets, sea level rise
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Methane’s potential for another major extinction event
June 22, 2016. As Alaska warms, methane emissions appear stable, study finds. Excerpts: One reason no increase has been seen may be that “Bacteria that produce methane and bacteria that consume methane will both become more active as temperatures … Continue reading
Posted in Extinction, Runaway Greenhouse
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New finding: Plants far more harmed by Climate change than previous estimates
Shifts in the timing of flowering and leafing in plants due to global warming appear to be much greater than estimated by warming experiments. Predicting plant responses to climate change has important consequences for human water supply, pollination of crops … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
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Biodiversity in glacier-fed rivers threatened by climate change
So many of these articles belong in several different places, the web of life is hard to categorize and put in one spot. 16 Mar 2012. “Glacial river biodiversity”. Nature Climate Change. Glacial melt water increases biodiversity in mountainous freshwater … Continue reading
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Huge releases of arctic methane
Methane is a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. At the American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco, Dr Semiletov announced he’d found an unprecedented amount of methane bubbling up from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (which … Continue reading
Posted in Extinction, Runaway Greenhouse
Tagged extinction, methane, methane hydrate, runaway greenhouse
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