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Category Archives: Climate Change
Himalayan glaciers supplying water to a billion people melting fast, Andes too
Preface. The Himalayan glaciers that supply water to a billion people are melting fast, already 30% has been lost since 1975. Adding to the crisis are the 400 dams under construction or planned for Himalayan rivers in India, Pakistan, Nepal, … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Climate Change, Dams, Peak Water, Planetary Boundaries, Water, Water Infrastructure
Tagged Andes, climate change, dams, glaciers melting, Himalaya
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Microbes a key factor in climate change
Preface. The IPCC, like economists, assumes our economy and burning of fossil fuels will grow exponentially until 2100 and beyond, with no limits to growth. But conventional oil peaked and has stayed on a plateau since 2005, so clearly peak … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged climate change, diatoms, microbes
Climate change risks could cause an American “Fukushima”
Preface. Nuclear power plants need a constant supply of electric power to pump cool water into a reactor’s core. Ninety percent of them, 54 plants, have at least one flood risk exceeding their design. If flooding stops the power supply … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Nuclear Waste
Tagged climate change, Fukushima, meltdown, nuclear waste
Ice ages may be caused by mountains rising in the tropics
Preface. In case you’d forgotten– given all the talk about climate change — we’re still in an ice age that’s been going on for 2.6 million years. Lucky for us, we’ve been in one of the few warm periods for … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
Tagged ice age; climate change
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Groundwater rise. Yet another climate change threat.
Preface. In coastal areas flooding is likely to be caused from groundwater rise because as sea levels rise, they won’t only move inland, flooding low-lying land near the shore; but also push water up from the saltwater water table, on … Continue reading
Posted in Floods, Groundwater, Hazardous Waste, Sea Level Rise, Water Infrastructure
Tagged floods, groundwater rise, sea level rise
Climate change effects on hydropower in California
Preface. Climate change will impact California agriculture without the snow melt that allows for up to three crops to be grown a year, perhaps just one crop in the future. Not to mention the impact on the 40 million people … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Climate Change, Hydropower
Tagged california, climate change, hydropower
Hydropower dams and the ways they destroy the environment
Preface. Hydropower comprises 71% of renewable energy worldwide. Nations like the U.S. and Europe have dams that have reached the end of their lifespan — more are being torn down than built. In the U.S. 546 dams were removed between … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Dams, Hydropower
Tagged biodiversity, china, environment, hydropower, Three Gorges dam
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Deep-sea trawling harms biodiversity and carbon storage
Preface. Overfishing has eliminated 90% of the world’s large predatory fishes and is devastating marine ecosystems. Bottom trawling is one of the most devastating ways our oceans are being overfished, degraded and biodiversity destroyed . This industry tossed 437 million … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Climate Change, Fisheries, Fishery destruction, Peak Food
Tagged biodiversity, climate change, overfishing, trawling
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Rising Sea Levels – What to do?
Preface. I first published this in June 2014, but thought I’d re-update it now that $2.5 million is going to be spent by Resilient by Design on 10 teams to come up with solutions for rising sea levels. They failed … Continue reading
Posted in Sea Level Rise, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged dike, levee, sea level rise, seawall