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Category Archives: Crash Coming Soon
How United Nations scientists are preparing for the end of capitalism
Preface. The article below was written by Nafeez Ahmed, who wrote one of my favorite books “Failing States, Collapsing Systems: BioPhysical Triggers of Political Violence“. Ahmed writes: “Most observers have no idea of the current biophysical realities – that the driving … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Organizations
Tagged biophysical economics, captialism, collapse, EROI, Nafeez Ahmed, United Nations
Richard Heinberg: Our bonus decade
Preface. Because of the bonus oil and gas fracking brought us starting in 2005, Heinberg says “I’ve titled this essay “Our Bonus Decade” because the past ten years were an unexpected (by us peakists, anyway) extra—like a bonus added to … Continue reading
The Butterfly Defect: How Globalization Creates Systemic Risks
Preface. I’m fascinated by system risks, so I’ve included this, though there’s no awareness at all of peak oil or limits to growth or that energy, not money, is the basis of civilization and foundation of every single widget made … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Financial
Tagged banking, contingency, finance, systemic risk
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Crash alert: China’s resource crisis could be the trigger
Preface. Way to go Nafeez Ahmed, your second home run of reality based reporting on the energy crisis this week. There are countless economists within the mainstream media predicting an economic crisis worse than in 2008, but they totally ignore … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, EROEI remaining oil too low, Peak Oil
Tagged china, debt, EROI, financial crisis, peak oil
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Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30% chance of Trump causing financial crisis, war, civil violence, and authoritarianism over next 5 years
[ Homer-Dixon wrote an article over a year ago for the Toronto Globe and Mail titled “Crisis analysis, how much damage can Trump do? (A lot). How’d his prediction turn out? Within this article is a link showing 4 major … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Scientists, Social Disorder, War
Tagged authoritarianism, civil violence, financial crash, Trump, war
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Nobel prize economist Robert Shiller: market risk keeps him awake worrying
[ According to this article: “Shiller’s latest analysis shouldn’t be taken lightly. His forecasting skills were recognized in 2013 when he won the Nobel Prize in Economics. He’s known for predicting both the dot-com bubble and the housing bubble in … Continue reading
One of the biggest risks to the world’s financial system is the $3 trillion of debt owed by oil and gas firms
[ Yet another “crash coming soon” post, if it hasn’t happened already (I scheduled this article and others to appear a year or more later, since crashes always take longer to happen than you expect. Alice Friedemann author of … Continue reading
Posted in Bond Market, Crash Coming Soon, Debt, Oil & Gas Fracked
Tagged crash coming soon, debt, oil and gas
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Steve St. Angelo: Prepare for asset price declines of 50 to 75%
Steve St. Angelo. July 4, 2017. Prepare for asset price declines of 50 to 75%. SRSRocco report. What we have is a totally propped-up market based upon debt. Energy isn’t producing positive growth. So instead of having real economic growth, … Continue reading