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Category Archives: No Reforms
Drowning in digits: National, Unfunded Liabilities, State, and Derivative Debt
Just about everyone I know believes in the permanence of the Dollar, the Eternal Supremacy of the United States, and the propaganda to constantly grow their money by taking risks. So they dutifully feed hard-earned wages into the voracious slot … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Debt, Money, No Reforms, Ponzi Schemes
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The congressional report on “The Financial Crisis” and what happened
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report. Final Report of the national Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis in the United States 2011. Phil Angelides Chairman, Brooksley Born Commissioner, Senator Bob Graham Commissioner, etc. This is the best … Continue reading
Posted in Debt, Economic Instability, No Reforms
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Banks get around Bonus Rules = less money to take back after risky bets go bad
February 13, 2014. Banks in London Devise Way Around Europe’s Bonus Rules. Jenny Anderson. New York Times. Since the 2008 crisis, regulators around the world have tried to rein in bonuses, worried that big payouts encourage excessive risk-taking by bankers … Continue reading
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Matt Taibbi : Commodity Scams on Wall Street Will Cause the Next Crash
The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks’ Most Devious Scam Yet Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever. Matt Taibbi. February 12, 2014. … Continue reading
Posted in Commodity Scams, Crash Coming Soon, No Reforms
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