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Category Archives: Infrastructure & Collapse
Vaclav Smil: from wood to coal to oil, energy transitions take a long time
Preface. This post has a shortened, reworded, and heavily commented on article from Scientific American in 2014. You can also see two much longer articles about energy transitions by Smil from n 2008 and 2010 here: A transition from fossil … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Coal, Dependence on Oil, Energy Infrastructure, Vaclav Smil
Tagged coal, gas, oil, renewables, solar, transition, vaclav smil, wind, wood
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Germany’s wind energy mess: As subsidies expire, thousands Of turbines to close
Preface. This means that the talk about renewables being so much cheaper than anything else isn’t necessarily true. If wind were profitable, more turbines would be built to replace the old ones without subsidies needed. Unless they can be dumped … Continue reading
Posted in Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Energy Infrastructure, Wind
Tagged Energiewende, germany, recycling, subsidies, wind
Fresh water depletion, contamination, saltwater intrusion, & subsidence
Map of the U.S. showing cumulative groundwater depletion from 1900 through 2008 in 40 aquifers. Source: Groundwater Depletion in the United States (1900-2008), USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5079. Preface. This isn’t mentioned in the subsidence paper below, but half of USA … Continue reading
Posted in Groundwater, Peak Water, Water Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged aquifer, climate change, depletion, flood, groundwater, storm surge, subsidence, water
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Rising Sea Levels – What to do?
Preface. I first published this in June 2014, but thought I’d re-update it now that $2.5 million is going to be spent by Resilient by Design on 10 teams to come up with solutions for rising sea levels. They failed … Continue reading
Posted in Sea Level Rise, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged dike, levee, sea level rise, seawall
Book review: the politics of California’s central valley levees
Preface. This is a book review of Robert Kelly’s “Battling the Inland Sea”. But it is much more than that, better than any book I know if explaining the human nature of “conservatism vs liberalism”. It drives me nuts that … Continue reading
Posted in Agriculture, Agriculture Infrastructure, Dams, Earthquakes, Floods, Politics, Sea Level Rise
Tagged california, earthquake, flood, levee, sea level rise
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Preventing economic shock wave: Securing the port of Houston from a terrorist attack
[ An attack on (LNG) ships, oil tankers, or the Houston port facilities Houston would cause an oil shock, since a third of oil refining takes place there, and it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Disasters, Oil & Gas, Terrorism
Tagged financial collapse, terrorism oil shock
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Threats to America’s drinking and sewage treatment infrastructure
[ Here are a few of the points made in this 170 page document about improving the nation’s water system security (excerpts follow): There are many potential threats to water infrastructure, including terrorism, failure of aging infrastructure, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, … Continue reading
Posted in CyberAttacks, Disease, Terrorism, Water Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged disease, infrastructure, terrorism, water
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Will the Navy go out with a whimper instead of a bang?
Preface. This house hearing is about the continuing decline of the Navy There are fewer and fewer ships. The remaining ships are overused, some past their normal lifespan, and under-maintained. As the U.S. descends into fascist plutocracy enabled by the … Continue reading
Posted in Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged fantasyland, house hearing, infrastructure, navy, ships
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What would happen if trucks stopped running?
Preface. In “Why You Should Love Trucks” I showed that essential supply chains depend on trucks nearly completely. Because of little inventory and dependence on just-in-time deliveries, our civilization would almost immediately feel the repercussions of trucks stopping. In fact, … Continue reading
Posted in Cascading Failure, Dependence on Oil, Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Oil Shocks, Transportation Infrastructure, Transportation Supply chain, Trucks, When Trucks Stop Running
Tagged civilization, electric trucks, life without lorries, trucks, trucks stop running
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