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Category Archives: Infrastructure & Collapse
Dams: last 100-200 years, make floods worse, an environmental disaster, most will soon be past their lifespan
Failing Dams in the news: 2017-2-23: America’s Aging Dams Are in Need of Repair. New York Times. 2017-2-20. California Dam Crisis Could Have Been Averted. A dismissed lawsuit to strengthen the dam because of climate change effects predicted catastrophic flooding. … Continue reading
Posted in Dams
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Ecological cost of new roads in Africa
[ What follows are excerpts from the January 8 2014 issue of Newscientist’s “Africa’s road-building frenzy will transform continent” by Andy Coghlan. ] China is funding most of the new roads to get the minerals they’ve mined, and transport food … Continue reading
Posted in Roads, Transportation Infrastructure
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Water-borne diseases will increase as energy declines
Preface. Drinking water and sewage treatment plants are the main reason lifespans nearly doubled. Read Laurie Garrett’s “Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health” for details. As energy declines, the ability of towns and cities to treat water … Continue reading
Posted in Sewage treatment, Water Infrastructure, Where to Be or Not to Be
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National security implications of international energy and climate change policies, Senate hearing
[This is an excerpt of a very interesting senate hearing that looks at how war can be caused by climate change (i.e. drought, hunger, rising sea levels) and how climate change will affect infrastructure. The European emissions trading scheme and … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Congressional Record U.S., Energy Infrastructure, Middle East
Tagged carbon tax, climate change, energy independence, energy security, energy subsidy, fraud, natural gas, oil
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Climate change impacts on transportation 2008 U.S. Senate hearing
Senate 110-1199. June 24, 2008. Climate change impacts on the transportation sector. U.S. Senate Hearing. Excerpts from this 135 page document follow. DANIEL K. INOUYE, U.S. SENATOR FROM HAWAII The transportation sector is a major indicator of the overall economic … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Transportation, Transportation Infrastructure, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged climate change, energy, transportation
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U.S. Senate hearing on our aging water infrastructure
[ Even though conventional oil production has been on a plateau since 2005, there is no sense of alarm or urgency to try to fix infrastructure before oil is rationed and not enough exists to replace or repair it. Some … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure
Tagged congressional record, dams, energy, infrastructure, reservoirs, water
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It’s official – the U.S. is energy independent! House Hearing 2013
House 113-88. October 29, 2013. North American Energy Infrastructure act. House of Representatives. [Excerpts from the 195 page transcript of this hearing] ED WHITFIELD, KENTUCKY. Over the last several months, this committee has received compelling testimony detailing how the United … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Independence
Tagged energy independence, pipelines
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Corrosion eats $552 billion of infrastructure a year (6% of GDP)
Preface. United States infrastructure was built when the EROI of oil was very high and minerals and metals were cheap due to high ore concentrations. This study was done in 2002, since then, things have gotten much worse (see ASCE … Continue reading
Posted in Bridges, Oil & Gas, Rail, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged corrosion, infrastructure, mining, nuclear waste, pipelines, transportation, utilities
We’ll all be Flint Michigan someday: U.S. water infrastructure is falling apart
NRC. 2006. Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Assessing and Reducing Risks Committee on Public Water Supply Distribution Systems: Assessing and Reducing Risks. National Research Council, National Academies Press. [ According to this Free National Research Council report, most water systems and … Continue reading
Posted in Water Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged contamination, disease, failure, infrastructure, water
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