Category Archives: 2) Collapse

The collapse of the financial system, breakdown of supply chains, blackouts, end of being able to make computer chips, and so on are symptoms of the underlying cause: LESS OIL AVAILABLE TO DO MILLIONS OF ESSENTIAL TASKS. Whether the house of cards goes from the financial shock of a natural disaster or from debt and corruption, blockage of the Suez canal, Export Land Model, or (nuclear war) — there is certain to be a series of dislocations that ultimately bring population down to 1 billion or less, and given past collapses, take about 20-30 years. Let’s hope there are some islands of sanity and that you, dear reader, are living on one of them!

Fantasyland 5. Why Americans are so prone to believing in conspiracies

Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about this very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Links to the 9 parts of this book review:  1 2 … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Fantasyland 4. American churches go from crazy to insane and unhinged: 1800 to present

Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about Fantasyland. This is a very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Evangelism threatens to create a non-democratic, authoritarian government, … Continue reading

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Republican party platform: the most extreme ever

Preface. There are two articles below: the New York Times editorial on the 2016 Republican platform (they call Republicans Extremists too), followed by the 50 platform policies. Basically, the GOP 2016 platform would make Christianity the official American religion, replace … Continue reading

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Fantasyland 3. History of increasing craziness of U.S. religion from 1517 to 1800

Preface. In another post about critical thinking, “What percent of Americans are rational?”, I list the results of 10 polls about what Americans believe. Here are the questions about Christianity.  When there’s more than one figure, they’re from different polls: … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Fantasyland Part 2. How America Went Haywire. A 500-Year History.

Preface. This is the second of nine parts about the book “”Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire.  A 500-Year History”, mostly the introduction. Links to the 9 parts of this book review:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Fantasyland Part 1. How America Went Haywire. A 500-Year History.

Preface. This a review of the “Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire.  A 500-Year History”. If you want to understand what’s wrong with America, and be highly entertained at the same time, this is the book for you, one of my … Continue reading

Posted in Collapse of Civilizations, Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion, Social Disorder | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Richard Heinberg: Energy and Authoritarianism

Preface. Heinberg wrote this a year ago. Brilliant and well structured, he conveys as much in this article as many books, and consolidates what must be many years of research. But Heinberg is not the only one to wonder if … Continue reading

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Who is Joe Arpaio? His Arizona women’s prisons are reminiscent of Nazi death camps

[ You may remember back in August 2017 that President Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio.   But most left out an even bigger reason why he is truly evil: his Arizona women’s tent city prisons.  Below is a description of one from … Continue reading

Posted in Drug wars and the prison system | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Rising Sea Levels – What to do?

Preface. I first published this in June 2014, but thought I’d re-update it now that $2.5 million is going to be spent by Resilient by Design on 10 teams to come up with solutions for rising sea levels.  They failed … Continue reading

Posted in Sea Level Rise, Transportation Infrastructure | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Book review: the politics of California’s central valley levees

Preface. This is a book review of Robert Kelly’s “Battling the Inland Sea”.  But it is much more than that, better than any book I know if explaining the human nature of “conservatism vs liberalism”.  It drives me nuts that … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, Agriculture Infrastructure, Dams, Earthquakes, Floods, Politics, Sea Level Rise | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Book review: the politics of California’s central valley levees