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Category Archives: Who is to Blame?
Will women be accused of witchcraft after energy descent?
Preface. This is a book review of “In Defense of Witches: The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women Are Still on Trial.” The author Chollet writes that the book won’t spend much time on witchcraft today, but explore … Continue reading
Will Republican “Hate Talk” be the spark of violence in the future?
Will Republican “Hate Talk” be the spark of violence in the future? by Alice Friedemann, Oct 9, 2014 As long as trucks keep delivering goods, enough food is grown and distributed, then even if times get a lot worse, I … Continue reading
Posted in Violence, Who is to Blame?
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Human Nature is to blame
Many people have said this, as I run across examples in my archives I’ll add them to this post. Catton would say that no one is to blame, overshoot and die-off is the fate of all species. Ilargi at theautomaticearth: … Continue reading
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Why our Capitalist Gene is pushing us to destruction
Why our Capitalist Gene is pushing us to destruction Paul B. Farrell. Feb 12, 2014. Marketwatch. Yes, we’re all capitalists. Today 7.2 billion. Soon 10 billion humans, all with a Capitalist Gene that says “me first, climate later.” Human nature. … Continue reading
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How will the violence play out in the USA?
There will surely be violence as America’s population descends from 400 million to 100 million or less as energy production declines. Leaders will emerge who blame some particular group for our suffering. So far it’s been those terrorist Middle Easterners … Continue reading
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