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Category Archives: Corruption & Finance
Why is Detroit falling apart so fast?
Using Google street view history, records the decay of homes in Detroit. Above shows homes September 2009, September 2011, and September 2013 I’ve been fascinated with the decline of Detroit since a guy in my dormitory told me back … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Poverty
Tagged collapse, Detroit, infrastructure, nuclear waste
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HSBC bank report predicts another financial crisis in 2018
[ Bill Hill of the Hill’s group predicted in June 2016 (at a forum): “We expect to have reached permanent depression by the end of 2017. The reduction will not hit all nations the same way. The richer Western … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Economic Decline
Tagged HSBC bank, peak oil
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Nicole Foss: Negative interest rates and the war on cash
Nicole Foss, September 4-8, 2016, Part 1 is here: Negative Interest Rates and the War on Cash (1) Part 2 is here: Negative Interest Rates and the War on Cash (2) Part 3 is here: Negative Interest Rates and … Continue reading
Stansberry on “The End of America”
[ Stansberry has been predicting a market crash and currency collapse for a long time. But this hasn’t happened yet, so Stansberry re-evaluates his ideas. He notes that the top 20 industrialized nations have pension and retiree obligations that aren’t … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon
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Corruption and economic instability in the news
[ I can’t keep up with the flood of news about corruption, fraud and economic instability, which is just a symptom of the real problem: the end of growth. In a credit/debit system, lenders won’t lend if they think the … Continue reading
Posted in ! About Corruption, Economic Decline, Other Experts
Tagged bubble, corruption, debt, financial crash, index
Kurt Cobb on the true definition of corruption
Kurt Cobb. April 10, 2016. Corruption, resources, climate and systemic risk. Corruption is a loaded word. One person’s corruption is another’s sound social policy. Some people believe providing unemployment benefits to laid-off workers corrupts them by making them “lazy.” … Continue reading
Posted in Corruption & Finance, Kurt Cobb
Tagged corruption, sustainability
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When will the corrupt financial system cause another financial collapse?
[ Conventional oil production peaked in 2005-6, so if a financial crash occurs, the net energy cliff will be much steeper on the other side, since new projects won’t get financed, and unconventional oil is very expensive to produce and … Continue reading
Posted in Banking
Tagged banks, corruption
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Pensions face bankruptcy in the future
2016-4-10. US faces disastrous $3.4 trillion pension funding hole. Collective deficit of retirement plans is three times larger than official figures. Financial Times. The US public pension system has developed a $3.4 trillion funding hole that will pile pressure on … Continue reading
Posted in Debt, Ponzi Schemes
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Why economic corruption or an oil decline will lead to a financial crash, depression, and permanent energy crisis
This is the introduction to the Corruption category under the Menu item 3) Fast Crash. The posts in this category show that another, much worse crash, is inevitable. Meanwhile, low oil prices have led to less oil production and discoveries. … Continue reading
The 1% have always been with us – even hunter gatherers had inequality
Pringle, H. May 23, 2014. The ancient roots of the 1%. Science 344: 822-825. Don’t blame farming. Inequality got its start among resource-rich hunter-gatherers. In 79 C.E., the year Mount Vesuvius destroyed it, Pompeii was not one city but two. … Continue reading