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Category Archives: Deforestation
Reforestation can cause rivers to disappear
Preface. We’ll need a lot of forests in the future when wood once again becomes our may source of energy and infrastructure as it was before fossil fuels. But care needs to be taken on where trees are planted. Alice … Continue reading
The 10 countries with the most endangered species in the world
I don’t know whether to go to these countries to see these beautiful creatures before they’re extinct, or to spend my money on countries like Costa Rica and Tanzania that have set aside a quarter or more of their land … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Deforestation
Tagged abortion, biodiversity, birth control, endangered species
China is deforesting Russia
Preface. Here’s more than half of a New York Times article about China deforesting Russia. Yikes! Peak oil had better come soon before we denude the earth. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future … Continue reading
Posted in Deforestation
Tagged china, deforestation, Russia
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Humans destroyed 10% of wilderness in just 25 years
Preface. Humans are destroying the wilderness so quickly there it could mostly disappear in less than a century. Since 1993 the world lost an area twice the size of Alaska. So kiss biodiversity, carbon sequestration, ecology, and a stable climate … Continue reading
Book: John Perlin’s “A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization”
Preface. This contains excerpts from John Perlin’s “A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization”. It’s one of my favorite books about natural resources, exploring the role wood has played in the rise and fall of civilizations since they … Continue reading
“World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice”
Preface. I’m sure anyone reading this post knows it is too late to do anything but eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow … Although this warning was widely published, it was left out of over half of the top … Continue reading
Inside North Korea’s environmental collapse
The reddish hue of this soil in North Korea comes from lack of organic matter, vital for farming. Related Posts: North Korea collapse posts How different nations have coped with oil shortages Dmitry Orlov: How Russians survived the collapse of … Continue reading
Posted in Deforestation, North Korea, Oil shock collapse, Peak Topsoil
Tagged collapse, erosion, North Korea, topsoil
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