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Category Archives: Inflation or Deflation
Kurt Cobb Cheap oil, complexity and counter-intuitive conclusions
Kurt Cobb. March 22, 2015. Cheap oil, complexity and counterintuitive conclusions. Resource Insights. It is a staple of oil industry apologists to say that the recent swift decline in the price of oil is indicative of long-term abundance. This … Continue reading
Posted in Inflation or Deflation, Kurt Cobb
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Gail Tverberg The oil glut and low prices reflect an affordability problem
Tverberg, G. March 9, 2015. The oil glut and low prices reflect an affordability problem. For a long time, there has been a belief that the decline in oil supply will come by way of high oil prices. Demand … Continue reading
Posted in By People, Debt, Gail Tverberg, Inflation or Deflation
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Gail Tverberg on Inflation, Deflation, or Discontinuity?
Gail Tverberg. July 1, 2013. Inflation, Deflation, or Discontinuity? A question that seems to come up quite often is, “Are we going to have inflation or deflation?” People want to figure out how to invest. Because of this, they … Continue reading
Posted in Gail Tverberg, Inflation or Deflation
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Inflation: defining and identifying it
Ilargy 2011 automatic earth The fact that there’s all that zombie money around (or zombie credit, to be precise) leads many to believe the US witnesses inflation. Not true. Inflation is not the same as rising prices. Prices can rise … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Inflation or Deflation, Money
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Ellen Brown’s Web of Debt blog
Brown’s Web of Debt blog and books are well researched and worthwhile reading, but she isn’t aware of the energy and resource crises, so her work isn’t fully informed. But still, you can see that even without those larger issues, … Continue reading
Posted in Banking, Inflation or Deflation
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A Flaw in the Hyperinflationary Argument
Dec 13, 2009 A Flaw in the Hyperinflationary Argument People assuming hyperinflation are assuming that the cash injected into the system will be spread equally or nearly equally, resulting in competitive bidding with more dollars for the current pool … Continue reading
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Why Deflation is Inevitable
Perhaps someday inflation, but not until the 1.2 quadrillion of outstanding debt are resolved first. To understand deflation, you need to understand what money really is and how it’s created. And you also need to read the other articles in … Continue reading
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Economics 101: Liquidity is a Loan, Why prices can go UP in a Deflation, do not buy Gold, and Much More
December 29, 2007. Karl Denninger. The Year In Review And a Look Ahead for 2008. market-ticker [I’ve snipped out a lot of this article, which is no longer available on the internet. It was very prescient, and even though some … Continue reading
Posted in Gold & Silver, Inflation or Deflation, Money
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Money versus Credit or Hyperinflation versus Hyperexpansion
I’ve put in several articles by Nicole Foss here on these topics. Resurgence of Risk – A Primer on the Develop(ed) Credit Crunch The Inverted Pyramid – Money versus Credit (or Hyperinflation versus Hyperexpansion) Money and credit are not the … Continue reading
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Experts who aren’t worried about Inflation
Paul Krugman: The Inflation Obsession. March 2, 2014. New York Times. [modified: both paraphrased and cut] Recently the Federal Reserve released transcripts of its monetary policy meetings during the fateful year of 2008. And, boy, are they discouraging reading because … Continue reading
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