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Category Archives: Disasters
A Mega Storm in California might cost $1 trillion & destroy a third of America’s food
Preface. Hurricane Katrina cost somewhere between $109 and $250 billion dollars (Amadero 2017). Estimates of hurricane Harvey range from $100 to $190 billion (Kollewe 2017, Lanktree 2017). The next California ArkStorm is likely to cost $900 billion, or even a … Continue reading
Posted in Floods, Planetary Boundaries
Tagged arkstorm, california, extreme weather, flood, superstorm
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Book review: Atomic Days. The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America
Preface. Plutonium for nuclear weapons was produced at the Hanford Washington site for nearly four decades. Today it is the world’s most polluted site chock-a-block with radioactive waste and toxic chemicals. The department of energy estimates a clean-up could cost … Continue reading
Posted in Disasters, Energy Books, Nuclear Waste, Pollution
Tagged accident, Bechtel, DOE, Hanford, nuclear waste, plutonium
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President George W. Bush energy policy & hurricane Katrina
Preface. After Hurricane Katrina damaged oil and gas infrastructure, oil prices shot up. Below are excerpts from news stories in 2005 when President Bush, an oilman, openly discussed the U.S. energy dependence.
Posted in Energy Policy & Politicians, Hurricanes, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy, energy policy, hurricane, oil, President Bush
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Military Threats: Peak oil, population, climate change, pandemics, economic crises, cyberattacks, failed states, nuclear war
Mackintosh C (2010) Peak Oil “The debate is over”. Permaculture research institute. Preface. The military is more realistic about the challenges the world faces than congress or other branches and government agencies. In 2010, all of the military branches … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, CyberAttacks, Disasters, Military, Pandemics, Peak Oil, War
Tagged cyber attack, cyber war, military, peak oil, threats, war
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Skyscrapers: A bad idea as energy declines
Preface. One reason Paris is such a lovely city is that it was built to human scale, with buildings of five stories or less, because that was about as high as people were willing to climb, so not surprisingly, rents … Continue reading
Posted in Blackouts, Blackouts Electric Grid, Concrete, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, North Korea
Tagged concrete, electric grid, elevator, high-rise, North Korea, peak oil, skyscraper
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Alaskan tsunamis threaten even California
Preface. A 9.1 magnitude earthquake in Alaska send a tsunami all the way to the California coast and cause at least $10 billion in damage, forcing at least 750,000 people to evacuate flooded areas, destroy port facilities in the Bay … Continue reading
Posted in Tsunami
Tagged climate change, earthquake, permafrost, Tsunami
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Coming Food Crises from Drought
Preface. As climate change heats the planet, and groundwater depletes from aquifers that won’t be recharged until after the next ice age, it’s clear that food crises from drought (and many other problems) will be upon us soon. As long … Continue reading