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Category Archives: Floods
A Mega Storm in California might cost $1 trillion & destroy a third of America’s food
Preface. Hurricane Katrina cost somewhere between $109 and $250 billion dollars (Amadero 2017). Estimates of hurricane Harvey range from $100 to $190 billion (Kollewe 2017, Lanktree 2017). The next California ArkStorm is likely to cost $900 billion, or even a … Continue reading
Posted in Floods, Planetary Boundaries
Tagged arkstorm, california, extreme weather, flood, superstorm
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Increased flooding
Preface. It’s not just sea level rise, but increased precipitation, sinking land, hurricanes, and dam failures that will cause more floods in the future. Dams will fail more often in extreme rain as at least half are older than their … Continue reading
Posted in Extreme Weather, Floods
Tagged climate change, flooding
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Extreme flooding from slow hurricanes a danger to farms
Preface. Yet another danger from climate change for agriculture will be slow hurricanes and cyclones dumping a foot or more of rain over a few days such as the recent hurricanes Harvey (2017), Florence (2018), and Dorian (2019). Journal reference: … Continue reading
Posted in Floods, Food production, Hurricanes
Tagged agriculture, climate change, flood, hurricane
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Millions in danger of floods on Mississippi and Missouri
Preface. Here’s something for you young folks considering “where to be” after energy collapse. Flooding is a huge consideration. My great grandfather was a doctor in Oklahoma who saw many lose their homes and farms from floods and die from … Continue reading
Groundwater rise. Yet another climate change threat.
Preface. In coastal areas flooding is likely to be caused from groundwater rise because as sea levels rise, they won’t only move inland, flooding low-lying land near the shore; but also push water up from the saltwater water table, on … Continue reading
Posted in Floods, Groundwater, Hazardous Waste, Sea Level Rise, Water Infrastructure
Tagged floods, groundwater rise, sea level rise
Book review: the politics of California’s central valley levees
Preface. This is a book review of Robert Kelly’s “Battling the Inland Sea”. But it is much more than that, better than any book I know if explaining the human nature of “conservatism vs liberalism”. It drives me nuts that … Continue reading
Posted in Agriculture, Agriculture Infrastructure, Dams, Earthquakes, Floods, Politics, Sea Level Rise
Tagged california, earthquake, flood, levee, sea level rise
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$40 billion cost when levee system fails in California’s delta
Scientists estimate this would cost $40 billion dollars. 23 million Californians will have no drinking water. Up to 1 million acres of some of the best, most productive farmland in the world will disappear forever as salt water permeates the … Continue reading
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Floods and water-borne disease
Our clean water infrastructure built a century ago is rusting and eroding apart, making the invasion of disease causing micro-organisms during floods even more likely. excerpt from Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before It Conquers Us … Continue reading
Posted in 1) Decline, Floods
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