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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Algal blooms more toxic due to climate change and crop fertilizer runoff
Paerl, H.W. et al. October 25, 2013. Blooms Bite the Hand That Feeds Them. Science Vol. 342 no. 6157 pp. 433-434 Eutrophication from climate change, dams, higher carbon dioxide concentrations, drought, and nutrients from farm and urban runoff is increasing … Continue reading
Posted in Disease, Water Pollution
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Hazardous Waste Overview
To give you an idea of how much waste is generated, here are some 10+ year old stats from the Department of energy Table AF-2. WASTE FUN FACTS 1 ounce = NOx emissions generated from 3.6 gallons of gasoline 3 … Continue reading
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Groundwater depletion consequences
Robert. Glennon. 9 Oct 2002. The Perils of Groundwater Pumping. The excessive “mining” of our aquifers is causing environmental degradation on a potentially enormous scale. Issues in Science and Technology. National Academy of Sciences. Groundwater is more than 25 percent … Continue reading
Posted in Groundwater, Peak Water
Tagged aquifer, groundwater, peak water
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Phosphates add heavy metals such as cadmium to soils
Larsen, A., et al. March 1, 2001. Re-engineering the toilet for sustainable wastewater management. Environmental Science and Technology Vol 35(9):192-197 Current fertilizer production and use consume limited resources and harm the environment. At current extraction rates, reserves of phosphate … Continue reading
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As declining energy leads to lower farm yields, malnutrition and starvation will make people far more vulnerable to diseases. A lack of anti-biotics, and little transportation to get to medical facilities at some point down the oil depletion curve is … Continue reading
Emergency drill: Cyberattack on electric grid
Preface. Although I am mainly concerned about peak oil, we’ve become so incredibly dependent on the electric grid, including electricity to pump oil at gas stations, that if the grid came down from an EMP or cyberattack, millions of people … Continue reading
Posted in Cyber, CyberAttacks
Tagged cyber attack
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Decline and Fall of Civilizations links to articles about this
The Histomap. Four thousand years of world history. Relative power of contemporary states, nations, and empires from
Posted in 1) Decline
Tagged civilization, decline and fall
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Cyber attack methods. Who are the cyber attackers?
This just in: Cyber criminals are planting chips in electric irons and kettles to launch spam attacks. A Russian TV channel had footage of an iron being opened up to reveal a “spy chip” with a small microphone that could … Continue reading
Posted in CyberAttacks
Tagged cyber attack
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Cyber Attacks an unprecedented threat to U.S. National Security
Preface. This post contains extracts from 3 congressional hearings in the House of representatives session on cyber attacks. Alice Friedemann Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, Cyber, CyberAttacks, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Tagged china, cyber war, cyberattack, united states
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Eric Sibul on the history of replacing railroads with roads: a disaster
A review of: Sibul, Eric. 26 Apr 2013. Transportation Readings for American Conservatives – How did we get in such a Mess? The American Conservative. My main problem with this article is that it heaps all the blame on liberals, … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads
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