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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Why is modern concrete falling apart?
Here’s more information from Courland’s book “Concrete Planet” and other information I found on the web since I wrote Enough energy after Peak Oil to rebuild and repair concrete infrastructure? Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory has been trying to figure out … Continue reading
How long will concrete last if it isn’t maintained?
As energy grows scarcer and is devoted to growing food and other life-support services, our infrastructure will crumble. Bob Holmes. 12 Oct 2006. Imagine Earth without people. Lack of maintenance will spell an early demise for buildings, roads, bridges … Continue reading
Posted in Concrete, Infrastructure & Collapse
Tagged concrete, peak oil
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Statistics. Michael Snyder’s “75 economic numbers from 2012”
Michael Snyder. 21 Dec 2012. 75 economic numbers from 2012 that are almost too crazy to believe. #1 In December 2008, 31.6 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, a new all-time record of 47.7 million Americans are on … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Decline, Economic Instability
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Stock Market will Crash when Investors realize Peak Oil is Real
David Fridley, an expert on oil economics, worked under Chu. In an interview given in 2009, Fridley claims, “[Chu] was my boss…He knows all about peak oil, but he can’t talk about it. If the government announced that peak oil … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Instability
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Drought cost more than hurricane in 2012
Jeff Masters. 16 Nov 2012. Lessons from 2012: Droughts, not Hurricanes, are the Greater Danger. The colossal devastation and loss of life wrought by Hurricane Sandy makes the storm one of the greatest disasters in U.S. history. The storm … Continue reading
$40 billion cost when levee system fails in California’s delta
Scientists estimate this would cost $40 billion dollars. 23 million Californians will have no drinking water. Up to 1 million acres of some of the best, most productive farmland in the world will disappear forever as salt water permeates the … Continue reading
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What Will Trigger the Financial Crash?
#1 An Energy Crisis My number one vote for when the financial system worldwide collapses is when the energy shortages begin, sometime between now and the next 5 years. Even if the depression grows worse meanwhile, that would only slow … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Instability
Tagged economic collapse
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Drought and the Food Supply
Lesk, C. January 7, 2016. Influence of extreme weather disasters on global crop production. Nature. Drought and extreme heat events slashed cereal harvests in recent decades by 9% to 10% on average in affected countries with the greatest impact … Continue reading
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Natural Gas — How Much is Left in the USA?
Although there’s been a fracking boom for shale gas in America, many are skeptical. We need local gas since it’s very expensive to import from overseas sources like Qatar, and we’re competing with other nations for delivery, which drives the … Continue reading
Posted in Energy, Liebig's Law, Natural Gas
Tagged drought, fracking, how much natural gas is left, stranded natural gas
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Liebig’s Law Of the Minimum
Liebig’s Law of the Minimum originally applied to plants, which require 21 nutrients — if any of them are missing the plant won’t grow to it’s full potential, or not be able to grow at all. It’s similar to the … Continue reading
Posted in 1) Decline, Liebig's Law
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