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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Termites, air pollution, and ozone depletion
Excerpts from the book below. Ozone depletion is also one of the 9 boundaries we must not cross. Klein, Hilary Dole, and Adrian M. Wenner 2001. Tiny Game Hunting: Environmentally Healthy Ways to Trap and Kill the Pests in Your … Continue reading
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Air Pollution effects on conifers in California
Below is an excerpt on how air pollution in California affects nearby forests from the book: Johnston, Verna R. 1994. California Forests and Woodlands: A Natural History. University of California Press. It was in the Mixed Conifer Forests of the … Continue reading
Posted in Air
Tagged air pollution, conifers, kings canyon national park, nitrogen oxides, ozone, ozone mottle, ponderosa pine, sequoia national park, yosemite
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Air Pollution in “Deceit and Denial: The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution”
The fight against industrial chemicals is far from won. Chemical lobbyists spend tens of millions of dollars convincing legislators to not pass legislation that would protect you. For example, check out the Green Policy Institute at the University of California, … Continue reading
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Air pollution from wood stoves kills 2 million, affects health of 3 billion
13 Oct 2011. Inefficient Developing World Stoves Contribute to 2 Million Deaths a Year. Smoke emitting stoves cause so much indoor air pollution that at least 2 million people die every year from them, and affects the health of … Continue reading
Posted in Air
Tagged air pollution, deforestation, inefficient, wood stove
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How to improve railroad fuel efficiency
[ Below are excerpts from this 70 page report. It is hard to find documents on reducing oil consumption through energy efficiency, most papers concentrate on greenhouse gas emissions, which usually lowers energy efficiency, or how to grow roads, rail … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads
Tagged energy efficiency, engine, fuel cell, locomotive, turbine
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