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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Bill Gates on why Electric Airplanes won’t fly
Preface. I wonder if Bill Gates has read my book “When Trucks Stop Running”? As he says in the article below: “The renaissance of electrification that we’re seeing in passenger vehicles unfortunately won’t likely adapted to heavier forms of transportation … Continue reading
Book Review “The Outlawed Ocean” by Ian Urbina
Note: Peak fish happened in 1996 at 130 million tonnes a year. Pauly D, Zeller D (2016) Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Nature communications. Preface. This is a book review of … Continue reading
Posted in Fisheries, Fishery destruction, Natural History, Peak Food
Tagged fishery, peak fish, peak food, piracy, slavery
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Alaskan tsunamis threaten even California
Preface. A 9.1 magnitude earthquake in Alaska send a tsunami all the way to the California coast and cause at least $10 billion in damage, forcing at least 750,000 people to evacuate flooded areas, destroy port facilities in the Bay … Continue reading
Posted in Tsunami
Tagged climate change, earthquake, permafrost, Tsunami
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Largest oil spill on earth: Plastics
Preface. There have been thousands of articles since I published this back in 2003. Today I read a surprising study that claims glass is more harmful than plastic because it is mined from rare materials and requires more fossil fuels … Continue reading
Reducing pesticides with crop diversity
Preface. Pesticides are the main cause of the insect apocalypse, which reverberates up the food chain, leading to loss of biodiversity and extinction. And pesticides are made out of oil, which probably peaked globally in 2018, and pesticides only last … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Farming & Ranching, Pesticides
Tagged agriculture, biodiversity, pesticides
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Coming Food Crises from Drought
Preface. As climate change heats the planet, and groundwater depletes from aquifers that won’t be recharged until after the next ice age, it’s clear that food crises from drought (and many other problems) will be upon us soon. As long … Continue reading
Why wind and solar will cause more blackouts
Preface. Clearly fossil fuel plants need to be replaced with energy storage — batteries, pumped hydro, or compressed air. Many hours of backup power will be needed since, unfortunately, over two-thirds of total wind power in the U.S. happens outside … Continue reading
Posted in Blackouts, Blackouts Electric Grid, Grid instability, National Super Grid
Tagged blackouts, electric grid, energy storage, solar
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Water Theft
Preface. As fresh water supplies are depleted worldwide and water crises increase, water theft is becoming more common. And damage to marine environments as well. It is estimated that between 30% and 50% of the global water supply is stolen … Continue reading
Posted in Food production, Groundwater, Peak Water, Water Pollution
Tagged agriculture, pesticides, theft, treatment, water
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Aquifer decline in California
Preface. On top of aquifer depletion, water shortages in California are also expected in the future as rainfall and snowfall decline and snow melts earlier. Over half of Americans rely on underground aquifers for drinking water (Glennon 2002). Seventy percent … Continue reading
Posted in Groundwater, Peak Water
Tagged aquifer, california, depletion, groundwater
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