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Category Archives: Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
Why carbon capture contraptions are absurd
Preface. At the first peak oil conference in Denver (ASPO 2005), many of the other attendees speculated that renewable energy would be the last chance for Wall Street to make money before limits to growth and energy decline put a … Continue reading
Posted in Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS), CO2 and Methane
Tagged capture, Carbon, CCS, CCUS, CO2, DAC, Direct Air Capture, Sekera, sequestration
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Tree planting is not a simple solution but sure beats Carbon Capture!
Preface. The article from Science below lists both negative and positive outcomes depending on where trees are planted. The unintended negative effects could be a reduced water supply, the destruction of native grasslands and spread of invasive tree species, or … Continue reading
Posted in Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS), Plant Trees
Tagged carbon capture and storage, CCS, forests
World’s first multi-million dollar carbon-capture plant does work of just $17,640 worth of trees
Preface. This is a shortened and reworded version of the original article. Obviously, since we’re at the peak of global fossil fuel production, when the plateau ends sometime between now and 2025 and production declines exponentially, greenhouse gas emissions will … Continue reading
Posted in Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS), Climate Change
Tagged carbon capture, climate change, what to do
1 Comment
Carbon Capture and Storage not likely to ever be commercial: too expensive, uses up to 30% of the power
[It’s 2016 and CCS still isn’t working, and can never work because the size of the storage area is too large: “The prospects for carbon capture (e.g., clean coal) are widely discussed. Unfortunately, what is not usually discussed is that … Continue reading
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology roadmap 2013 IEA
Notes from 63 page: IEA. 2013. Technology Roadmap Carbon capture and storage (CCS). International Energy Agency. A total cumulative mass of approximately 120 Gt CO2 would need to be captured and stored between 2015 and 2050, across all regions of … Continue reading
Posted in Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)
Tagged carbon capture, CCS, coal
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