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Category Archives: Natural Gas
A U.S. Senate hearing on T. Boone Pickens plans for natural gas and wind to reduce oil dependence
[ This session is unusual in that the words “peak oil” are spoken several times, and M. King Hubbert, James Howard Kunstler, and Matt Simmons are lauded. Gal Luft points out that “10 years ago, Osama bin Laden predicted that … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas Vehicles, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence
Tagged natural gas, peak oil, pickens, wind
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Natural gas is a stupid transportation fuel
[ My comment: The only reason natural gas has come up as a transportation fuel at all is the false belief that there is 100 years of natural gas (even this article does, but natural gas may last far less … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Natural Gas Vehicles, Transportation
Tagged cars, natural gas, transportation
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Is there enough natural gas for everyone for everything?
[ Is there enough natural gas for products, utilities, AND transportation? Alice Friedemann] Senate 113-1. February 12, 2013. Natural gas resources S. Hrg. 113-1. U.S. Senate. ANDREW N. LIVERIS, CHAIRMAN & CEO, DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY. Dow is a major … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas
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Don’t export LNG to Europe, they have their own natural gas
Preface. The congressional record is full of senators, representatives, and witnesses trying to sell U.S. shale “fracked” gas as LNG to Europe so that they aren’t beholden to Russia. Well uh-oh, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the chickens have … Continue reading
Posted in LNG Liquified Natural Gas, Oil & Gas Fracked
Tagged Europe, natural gas, Russia, Ukraine
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Why we need a diverse electricity generation portfolio: House hearing 2013
House 113-12. March 5, 2013. American Energy security and innovation. The role of a diverse electricity generation portfolio. House of Representatives. 135 pages. June 5, 2015. Proposed Clean Power Plan would accelerate renewable additions and coal plant retirements. U.S. Energy … Continue reading
Posted in Coal, Grid instability, Natural Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Independence
Tagged diversity, electricity, new power plants
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Alternative fuels to replace transportation oil. U.S. House hearing 2012
House 112–159. July 10, 2012. The American energy initiative part 23: A focus on Alternative Fuels and vehicles. House of Representatives. [ Excerpts from this 210 page transcript follow ] MIKE BREEN, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project. … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Natural Gas Vehicles, Transportation, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged alternative fuel, FFV, Flex-fuel, transportation
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Why U.S. Is Running Out of Gas (Time magazine 2003)
Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele. July 21, 2003. Why U.S. Is Running Out of Gas. Time Magazine. Inflated oil prices and natural gas shortages are wiping out jobs and savings, thanks to three decades of bungled energy policy. … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged cafe standards, conservation, energy policy, natural gas
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Drinking the Kool-Aid. The U.S. Senate believes we are energy independent.
Preface. Some of the interesting parts of this session are $95 billion dollars of new manufacturing, transport, & utilities that are growing to take advantage of the cheap NG here, which will exponentially increase the use of energy. Even if … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Natural Gas
Tagged energy independence, fracking, natural gas, NRDC, Wilderness Society
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Hydrocarbon liquids, drop-in fuels, oil refining, oil distribution, GTL, CTL
Notes from 41 page: National Petroleum Council. 2012. Chapter 11: Hydrocarbon Liquids. Hydrocarbon liquids have properties that make them high-quality transportation fuels and allow the supply chain to operate … Continue reading
Posted in Coal to Liquids (CTL), GTL Gas-To-Liquids, Oil
Tagged CTL, GTL, natural gas, oil, pipelines, refinery capacity
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Natural Gas limits: 20-40% of recoverable resources are low EROI Sour Gas
SBC. October 2014. Factbook Natural Gas Factbook. SBC Energy Institute There are 855 trillion cubic meters (tcm) of technically recoverable resources, which means that regardless of cost … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas
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