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Category Archives: Natural Gas
Up to 9% of Methane lost in leaks erodes green credentials of natural gas
Jeff Tollefson. 2 Jan 2013. Methane leaks erode green credentials of natural gas. Losses of up to 9% show need for broader data on US gas industry’s environmental impact. Nature, volume 493 Scientists are once again reporting alarmingly high methane … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Natural Gas
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Natural Gas — How Much is Left in the USA?
Although there’s been a fracking boom for shale gas in America, many are skeptical. We need local gas since it’s very expensive to import from overseas sources like Qatar, and we’re competing with other nations for delivery, which drives the … Continue reading
Posted in Energy, Liebig's Law, Natural Gas
Tagged drought, fracking, how much natural gas is left, stranded natural gas
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Natural Gas pros and cons
Natural gas is the ideal electricity generating source: No sulfur or mercury like coal No particulates like diesel fuels Isn’t radioactive like uranium It’s always “on” unlike intermittent sources such as wind and solar Natural gas power plants are essential … Continue reading
Posted in Energy, Natural Gas
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