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Category Archives: Energy
The Golden Age of Russian Oil Nears an End
Preface. One huge factor in Russia’s future oil decline not mentioned below is how incredibly corrupt and inefficient Russia’s oil and gas companies are, as Rachel Maddow describes in her book “Blowout”. A few quotes: The Russian oil and gas … Continue reading
Natural Gas essential for energy storage
Preface. The U.S. Department of energy has admitted that a renewable grid is impossible without long-duration storage (LDES) and plans to hand out half a billion dollars to commercialize (LDES) (Colthorpe 2022). Another recent report also argues that round-the-clock renewables … Continue reading
Far out #3: Sugar power
Preface. No, you object, sugar in the gas tank will destroy the engine. Not true. says that won’t happen because sugar doesn’t dissolve in automotive fuel or caramelize, and so it does not turn into the debilitating gunk this … Continue reading
Limits to growth: Oil & Gas Fracking sand
Preface. Below is an excerpt about fracking sand from Beiser’s 2018 book “The World in a Grain. The Story of Sand and How It Transformed Civilization”. In 2022 fracking sand has gotten so expensive it’s a factor in why production … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Oil & Gas Fracked, Peak Sand
Tagged fracked natural gas, fracked oil, sand
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Heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell trucks a waste of energy and money
Preface. There are 3 articles that I summarize below: ARB. November 2015. Medium- and heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles. Air Resources Board, California Environmental Protection Agency. NRC. 2003. Energy and Transportation: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century. … Continue reading
Posted in Batteries, Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Hydrogen, Trucks: Electric
Tagged electric truck, FCEV, FHCEV, fuel cell, hydrogen, truck
Methane apocalypse? Not likely.
Preface. The four articles below explain why methane from permafrost or hydrates are not likely to erupt abruptly and send Earth into a hothouse hell. In addition, here are some posts debunking Guy McPherson who believes the world will end … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Methane Hydrates
Tagged clathrate gun, climate change, debunk, methane, methane burp, methane hydrate, permean extinction
Far out #5 (satire): Biofuels made from the victims of climate change, potato power, founding fathers spinning in graves
Preface. The “breakthroughs” you read about in batteries, hydrogen, and other so-called renewables are just as unlikely to happen Alice Friedemann Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and … Continue reading
Far out power #2: Soap, Raindrops, Hyperloops, and Fitness Centers
Preface. Anything goes at a time when the energy crisis hasn’t even hit. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer, Barriers to Making Algal Biofuels, and “Crunch! Whole Grain Artisan … Continue reading
Nuclear powered airplanes, cars, and tanks
Preface. If trucks, tractors, ships, locomotives, and airplanes can’t run on electricity or the electric grid stay up without natural gas to balance wind & solar (see When Trucks Stop Running), if cement and steel and other products requiring the … Continue reading
Posted in Airplanes, Automobiles, Far Out, Nuclear Power Energy
Tagged airplane, car, nuclear
Distribution – why it is so hard to add E15 or E85 at a gas station
Preface. One of the huge hurdles to shifting from oil to “something else” is the chicken-or-egg problem of no one buying a new-fuel vehicle with few places to get it, so few are made, so service stations don’t add the … Continue reading
Posted in Biofuels
Tagged distribution, ethanol, service station
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