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Category Archives: Waves & Tidal
Wave, tidal, ocean current, in-stream, & ocean thermal power
Preface. This is mainly a review of the 2013 National Research Council’s report on harvesting marine energy from waves, tides, temperature differences, currents, and run-of-river. But also the latest projects and other evidence related to the energy that can be … Continue reading
Posted in Waves & Tidal
Tagged hydrokinetic, national academy, OTEC, tidal power, wave power
Ohio run-of-the-river hydroelectric power 4 projects totaling 300 MW for $1.7 billion
[There are limited places on rivers to put these so this a really tiny silver bullet, and there is often opposition from environmentalists, but if you’re lucky enough to have a river nearby that flows constantly it’s more reliable than … Continue reading
Posted in Waves & Tidal
Tagged run-of-river
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