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Category Archives: Congressional Record U.S.
550,000 abandoned mines, $50 billion to clean up the worst of them
Preface. Below are excerpts of a US House 2010 congressional hearing on cleaning up abandoned mines. Abandoned mines can cause soil erosion, heavy metal contamination (i.e., cyanide, lead, arsenic, mercury, uranium), and acid drainage that threatens thousands of streams and … Continue reading
Energy and potato crops. U.S. House Hearing 2011
Preface. We eat so many potatoes I thought it interesting how future oil shocks may reduce potato crops. Potatoes are very “oily” needing a great deal of diesel fuel over their life cycle of planting, harvest, delivery to sorting, grading, … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Farming & Ranching
Tagged agriculture, energy, potato
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America’s energy security, jobs & climate challenges
Preface. In this 2010 House of Representatives hearing, General Wesley Clark foresaw in 1973 “that US military forces might have to become engaged to defend or protect oil-producer governments”. Today “we can look back on the continuing failures of American … Continue reading
Can the lights be kept on with distributed generation? 2015 U.S. House hearing on a reliable electric system
Preface. Corporate speakers testify mainly, rather than less biased researchers from universities or national laboratories. Corporations are selling a product, and likely to exaggerate what their product can do. The most interesting testimony is from Dean Kamen, who is “selling” … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Distributed Generation, Grid instability
Tagged distributed energy, generators, house of representatives
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Not only are telecom companies screwing us on net neutrality, they refuse to get rid of robocalls
Preface. It’s four years after the 2013 Senate hearing below and the telecomm industry has still refused and congress and/or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have not demanded robocalls be blocked despite over 10 years of complaints. In fact, unwanted … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Scams
Tagged robocall, telecommunications
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The effect of high energy prices on small business
Preface. This hearing is about how the unaffordable prices of energy are affecting ordinary people. Chairman Tipton at one point says that “I do not think that Americans truly realize the significant amount of energy that is necessary to be … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged agriculture, energy, food
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Water as a geopolitical threat. U.S. House of Representatives
Preface. Water scarcity is causing unrest and could led to war in Asia and the Middle East. There’s a website that keeps track of conflicts over water going back for 3,000 years here — 655 of them. The prevalence of … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Congressional Record U.S., Peak Water, Water
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National security implications of international energy and climate change policies, Senate hearing
[This is an excerpt of a very interesting senate hearing that looks at how war can be caused by climate change (i.e. drought, hunger, rising sea levels) and how climate change will affect infrastructure. The European emissions trading scheme and … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Congressional Record U.S., Energy Infrastructure, Middle East
Tagged carbon tax, climate change, energy independence, energy security, energy subsidy, fraud, natural gas, oil
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