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Category Archives: Congressional Record U.S.
Let’s get rid of invasive species ASAP
Preface. Breaking news: if you can’t beat them, eat them! Wildlife officials are encouraging people to eat invasive bullfrogs (Eggett 2019). No limits and no license required. They can get up to 1.5 … Continue reading
Posted in BioInvasion, Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged Bioinvasion, bullfrogs, congressional record, house hearing, invasive species, utah
GAO asks Congress to prepare for Peak Oil
[The Department of Energy (DOE) asked Robert Hirsch to come up with a peak oil risk management and mitigation plan which was published in 2005. Nothing happened, so in 2007 the Government Accountability Office asked Congress to prepare for Peak … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Peak Oil
Tagged congress, GAO, investment, peak oil, risk, strategy
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Carbon Capture and Storage not likely to ever be commercial: too expensive, uses up to 30% of the power
[It’s 2016 and CCS still isn’t working, and can never work because the size of the storage area is too large: “The prospects for carbon capture (e.g., clean coal) are widely discussed. Unfortunately, what is not usually discussed is that … Continue reading
Electromagnetic pulse threat to infrastructure: U.S. House hearings 2012 & 2014
Related articles: Russian hackers suspected in attack that blacked out parts of Ukraine How the weapon works (pdf): CRASHOVERRIDE Analyzing the Threat to Electric Grid Operations The EMP Commission estimates a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, EMP Electromagnetic Pulse, Infrastructure & Collapse, Interdependencies, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Infrastructure, War
Tagged electromagnetic pulse, EMP, end of civilizatoni, nuclear war
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Congressional hearing on transportation – industry and agricultural perspectives
House 113-36. October 1, 2013. Perspectives from users of the nation’s freight system. U.S. House of Representatives. The United States manufacturing sector employs over 12 million people and contributes almost $2 trillion in goods and services to the Nation’s economy … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Transportation
Tagged agriculture, industry, rail, transportation, truck
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U.S. taxpayers lose billions from Powder River Basin bad lease deals and undervalued coal
According to the Center for American Progress: For decades the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has run a fundamentally noncompetitive leasing program, which has been a boon to industry. Since 1990, 96 of the 107 coal-lease sales held by the … Continue reading
Posted in Coal, Congressional Record U.S., Corruption & Finance
Tagged BLM, coal, leases, powder river basin, production
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House of Representatives Roscoe Bartlett 2005
[ Former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett has discussed peak oil many times in the congressional record. Here are some of his earliest remarks for those of you interested in peak oil history. He educated the other house members and formed a … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Other Experts
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Reduce vehicle fuel consumption to increase energy security
[This is a really interesting House session that discusses U.S. energy policy, the need for consumers to be educated about why they should buy more fuel efficient cars, and push-back from the auto industry (see the full 140 pages for … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Congressional Record U.S., Transportation What To Do
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