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Category Archives: U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Geopolitics of Oil. United States Senate Hearing 110-6
Senate 110-6. January 10, 2007. Geopolitics of Oil. United States Senate Hearing. 90 pages. Excerpts: Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico). The idea of this hearing is to try to look at the big picture, to begin the year with an … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged cafe standards, energy crisis, peak oil, senate, transportation
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Why U.S. Is Running Out of Gas (Time magazine 2003)
Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele. July 21, 2003. Why U.S. Is Running Out of Gas. Time Magazine. Inflated oil prices and natural gas shortages are wiping out jobs and savings, thanks to three decades of bungled energy policy. … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged cafe standards, conservation, energy policy, natural gas
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Energy & Agriculture, Senate hearing July 20, 2000
Senate 106-930. July 20, 2000. Energy and agriculture. U.S. Senate hearing. Excerpts from this 162 page document follow: RICHARD G. LUGAR, INDIANA I begin the hearing by raising what I believe is a very important question: Are Americans prepared for … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy, energy policy, oil, renewables
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Changing energy markets and U.S. National Security. House hearing 2011
House 112-89. December 16, 2011. Changing energy markets and U.S. National Security. House of Representatives Hearing. 69 pages. Excerpts follow: Edward R. Royce, California. Energy has become a national security issue in the United States. And one of the realities … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged dependence, energy, oil, policy, security
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$150 oil: Instability, terrorism and economic disruption. U.S. Senate hearing 2009
Senate 111-105. July 16, 2009. $150 oil: Instability, terrorism and economic disruption. U.S. Senate hearing. 42 pages. Excerpts: Senator Richard G. Lugar, Indiana. Energy security is a critical factor affecting nearly all of today’s foreign policy challenges. The American public … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy, oil, policy
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