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Category Archives: U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Implications of Refinery closures for Homeland Security & critical infrastructure safety
Preface. The talk of electric vehicles saving the world from greenhouse gases is nonsense, a red herring to distract everyone from what’s really at stake, and from the material requirements to build them with rare earth and other scarce minerals, … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Oil & Gas, Peak Oil, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Tagged diesel, electric vehicle, EV, gasoline, infrastructure, lubricants, peak oil, pipeline, refinery
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Earthquakes in California could cost over $200 billion dollars
Preface. The figures below don’t do justice to the harm an earthquake would do.Ā There is $1.9 trillion dollars of property at risk from earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area, where a catastrophic earthquake on the Hayward Fault would … Continue reading
Posted in Earthquakes, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Tagged california, cost, earthquake, map
Promoting soil health in agriculture at U.S. House hearing 2014
Preface.Ā At last, many years after I first published “Peak soil: Why biofuels destroy ecosystems and civilizations” in 2007, Congress had a hearing to educate House members on why preserving topsoil is so essential for food production for future generations.Ā … Continue reading
Posted in Biomass, Peak Topsoil, Pesticides, Soil, U.S. Congress Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged agriculture, cover crop, erosion, no-till, peak soil, soil health, U.S. House of representatives
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U.S. Senate hearing on our aging water infrastructure
[ Even though conventional oil production has been on a plateau since 2005, there is no sense of alarm or urgency to try to fix infrastructure before oil is rationed and not enough exists to replace or repair it. Some … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure
Tagged congressional record, dams, energy, infrastructure, reservoirs, water
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Why the Grid is getting less reliable. House Hearing 2013.
House 113-40. May 9, 2013. Grid reliability challenges in a shifting energy resource landscape. U.S. House of Representatives. 176 pages. Mr. Jonathan A. Lesser, President Continental Economics, Inc. [This is a really good introduction to how the grid works and … Continue reading
Posted in Grid instability, Renewable Integration, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
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Electromagnetic pulse threat to infrastructure: U.S. House hearings 2012 & 2014
Related articles: Russian hackers suspected in attack that blacked out parts of Ukraine How the weapon works (pdf): CRASHOVERRIDE Analyzing the Threat to Electric Grid Operations The EMP Commission estimates a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, EMP Electromagnetic Pulse, Infrastructure & Collapse, Interdependencies, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Infrastructure, War
Tagged electromagnetic pulse, EMP, end of civilizatoni, nuclear war
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Cyber Attacks an unprecedented threat to U.S. National Security
Preface. This post contains extracts from 3 congressional hearings in the House of representatives session on cyber attacks. Alice FriedemannĀ www.energyskeptic.comĀ Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, Cyber, CyberAttacks, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Tagged china, cyber war, cyberattack, united states
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