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Category Archives: Military
Military Threats: Peak oil, population, climate change, pandemics, economic crises, cyberattacks, failed states, nuclear war
Mackintosh C (2010) Peak Oil “The debate is over”. Permaculture research institute. Preface. The military is more realistic about the challenges the world faces than congress or other branches and government agencies. In 2010, all of the military branches … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, CyberAttacks, Disasters, Military, Pandemics, Peak Oil, War
Tagged cyber attack, cyber war, military, peak oil, threats, war
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Can democracy survive peak oil?
Preface. This is a book review of Howard Bucknell’s Energy and the National Defense. University of Kentucky Press. Bucknell was amazingly prescient as you’ll see in this review, especially about why democracy might not survive the energy crisis. Heck, it … Continue reading
Posted in Advice, Energy Books, Military, Politics, Rationing
Tagged authoritarianism, Bucknell, defense, democracy, energy crises, energy transitions, rationing, synthetic fuel
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U.S. Army new jobs: quell social unrest from climate change, help get arctic oil
Preface. Of all the branches of government, the military is the most on top of climate change, peak oil, pandemics, power grid failure, and other disasters. I guess that shouldn’t be surprising, it’s their job to defend the U.S. against … Continue reading
Posted in Military
Tagged arctic oil, army, climate change, military, pandemic
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Pentagon report: collapse within 20 years from climate change
Preface. The report that the article by Ahmed below is based on is: Brosig, M., et al. 2019. Implications of climate change for the U.S. Army. United States Army War College. It was written in 2019, before covid-19 and so … Continue reading
Posted in Arctic, Blackouts, Climate Change, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Military, Over Oil
Tagged climate change, collapse, military
Saving fuel: making combat vehicles lighter
Preface. The military would like to lightweight equipment to save on fuel. Although Peak Oil isn’t mentioned, no other department of the U.S. government is more aware of future energy shortages, and the implications that has for their ability to … Continue reading
Posted in Military, Transportation
Tagged army, fuel, lightweight, tank
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The U.S. Military on Peak Oil and Climate Change
Preface. Of all the branches of government, the military is the most realistic about the implications of Peak Oil and Climate Change. The Department of Defense is also the largest consumer of energy in the federal government, spending about $20 … Continue reading
America’s energy security, jobs & climate challenges
Preface. In this 2010 House of Representatives hearing, General Wesley Clark foresaw in 1973 “that US military forces might have to become engaged to defend or protect oil-producer governments”. Today “we can look back on the continuing failures of American … Continue reading
U.S. House 2013 “Exports and the Changing global energy landscape”
[ My excerpts from the house hearing below is another “let’s export Natural Gas to our allies now that we’re energy independent”. The driving force is not making even better friends with Europe and keeping bully Russia away (though that’s … Continue reading
Posted in Military, U.S. Congress Energy Independence
Tagged energy independence, export, natural gas
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Pentagon video warns of unavoidable dystopian future for world’s biggest cities
Preface. A few excerpts: Megacities are, by definition, urban areas with a population of 10 million or more, and they have been a recent source of worry and research for the U.S. military. A 2014 Army report, titled “Megacities and … Continue reading
Summary of German Armed Forces Peak Oil Study
[This is a summary I first published in 2011. It’s important, so I’ve re-posted it today. According to Der Spiegel this study was leaked and not meant for publication. The document concludes that the public must be made aware of … Continue reading
Posted in Books, GOVERNMENT, Government study predictions, Military, Over Oil, Peak Oil, Peak Resources, War, War Books
Tagged and Technologies, Armed Forces, Capabilities, collapse, fast crash, german peak oil, in the 21st Century Environmental Dimensions of Security, market crash, peak oil, war