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Category Archives: Other Experts
Why do leaders & the public deny peak oil & limits to growth?
Preface. It’s strange that we’re on the cusp of Peak Oil, and yet the only existential threat you ever hear about is Climate Change. The New York Times has mentioned climate change over 15,000 times the past 5 years, and … Continue reading
Australian government was Peak Oil Aware in 2006
Preface. This post is excerpts from Bakhtiari’s testimony about Peak Oil before the Australian Senate Committee in 2006. I’ve excerpted what I found of interest, so if it seems disjointed, that’s my fault. And it isn’t just the Australian Senate … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Policy & Politicians, GOVERNMENT, Other Experts
Tagged Australia, Bakhtiari, government, peak oil
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Book review of Bryce’s “Power hungry: the myths of green energy and the real fuels of the future”
Preface. This is a book review of: Robert Bryce. 2009. Power Hungry: The Myths of “Green” Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future. This is a brilliant book, very funny at times, a great way to sharpen your critical … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Other Experts
Tagged electric car, electricity, green energy, power density, wind
Robert Rapier: Oil demand is growing, not shrinking. There is no peak oil demand in sight.
[ Yes, this article was published 10 months ago, but with all the attention to fake news today, I thought it would be worthwhile pointing out that peak demand is propaganda, not based on facts. Since the goal of fake … Continue reading
Posted in Dependence on Oil, Electric Vehicles, Other Experts, Peak Oil, Transportation
Tagged electric cars, peak demand, peak oil
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No, we’re not going to make ethanol out of CO2 and stop global warming
Preface. In the article below Robert Rapier debunks the research paper proposing to convert CO2 into ethanol. The researchers were honest and said “that the process is unlikely to be economically viable.” But the press spun it into a major … Continue reading
Posted in Biofuels, Biomass EROI, Critical Thinking, Far Out, Other Experts
Tagged critical thinking, EROEI, ethanol
The Peak Oil paradox revisited by Euan Mearns
Euan Mearns. July 16, 2016. The Peak Oil Paradox Revisited. Euan Mearns: Back in the mid-noughties the peak oil meme gained significant traction in part due to The Oil Drum blog where I played a prominent role. Sharply rising … Continue reading
Posted in How Much Left, Other Experts, Peak Oil
Tagged euan mearns, peak oil
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Limits to Growth? 2016 United Nations report provides best evidence yet
Preface. This is a summary of a United Nations report that ought to scare the pants off of anyone who understands exponential growth. Here are a few examples what that means: If 2 grams of gold grew at a 5% … Continue reading
Failing states, collapsing systems: biophysical triggers of political violence
Preface. In this post I summarize the sections of Nafeez’s book about the biophysical factors that bring nations down (i.e. climate change drought & water scarcity, declining revenues after peak oil, etc.) The Media tend to focus exclusively on economic … Continue reading
Posted in Cascading Failure, Caused by Scarce Resources, Collapse of Civilizations, Collapsed & collapsing nations, Drought & Collapse, Exports decline to ZERO, Food production, Interdependencies, Limits To Growth, Middle East, Net Energy Cliff, Other Experts, Over Oil, Overpopulation, Peak Oil, Violence, War & Violence
Tagged climate change, drought, Export Land Model, peak oil, population, water scarcity
Corruption and economic instability in the news
[ I can’t keep up with the flood of news about corruption, fraud and economic instability, which is just a symptom of the real problem: the end of growth. In a credit/debit system, lenders won’t lend if they think the … Continue reading
Posted in ! About Corruption, Economic Decline, Other Experts
Tagged bubble, corruption, debt, financial crash, index
Ted Trainer criticizes Hatfield-Dodds CSIRO study in Nature that denies “Limits to Growth”
[This study denies “Limits To Growth”, and I’ve posted Ted Trainer’s objections below. It is alarming Nature would publish such claptrap. Has Rupert Murdoch secretly purchased them? Alice Friedemann] Ted Trainer. November 2015. A brief critical response to the … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Other Experts
Tagged Hatfield-Dodds CSIRO, limits to growth, Trainer
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