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Category Archives: Oil Shocks
What would happen if trucks stopped running?
Preface. In “Why You Should Love Trucks” I showed that essential supply chains depend on trucks nearly completely. Because of little inventory and dependence on just-in-time deliveries, our civilization would almost immediately feel the repercussions of trucks stopping. In fact, … Continue reading
Posted in Cascading Failure, Dependence on Oil, Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Oil Shocks, Transportation Infrastructure, Transportation Supply chain, Trucks, When Trucks Stop Running
Tagged civilization, electric trucks, life without lorries, trucks, trucks stop running
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Transportation: How long can we adapt before we fall off the Net Energy Cliff?
Preface. There are too many factors besides geological depletion to predict a future timeline of collapse. Plus each region will be more or less affected by each factor, sooner or later as well. This is a unique crash – there … Continue reading
The effects of Middle East events on U.S. Energy markets
[ Of note from this U.S. House 2011 hearing: John Hofmeister, former President of Shell Oil. Matt Simmons, who passed away this past summer, used to speak of the Straits of Hormuz as, we live one day away from an … Continue reading
Posted in Chokepoints, Threats to oil supply, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged oil chokepoint
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Failing states, collapsing systems: biophysical triggers of political violence
Preface. In this post I summarize the sections of Nafeez’s book about the biophysical factors that bring nations down (i.e. climate change drought & water scarcity, declining revenues after peak oil, etc.) The Media tend to focus exclusively on economic … Continue reading
Posted in Cascading Failure, Caused by Scarce Resources, Collapse of Civilizations, Collapsed & collapsing nations, Drought & Collapse, Exports decline to ZERO, Food production, Interdependencies, Limits To Growth, Middle East, Net Energy Cliff, Other Experts, Over Oil, Overpopulation, Peak Oil, Violence, War & Violence
Tagged climate change, drought, Export Land Model, peak oil, population, water scarcity
U.S. House meeting on terrorist threats to energy security
[ Even though this hearing was over a decade ago, the issues are still the same. Nothing has changed. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation, 2015, Springer] House 109-70. July 27, … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Chokepoints, Middle East, Oil Shocks, Transportation
Tagged oil dependence, oil shock, Ras Tanura, saudi arabia, SPR, strategic petroleum reserve, terrorism
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Oil shocks and the potential for crisis U.S. House 2007
Preface. There have been two oil shockwave “oil crisis stimulations”, summaries of both from 2005 and 2007 are below. Oil Shockwaves confront a mock U.S. cabinet with highly plausible geopolitical crises that trigger sharp increases in oil prices. Participants must … Continue reading
Posted in Military, Oil Shocks, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence
Tagged cafe standard, military, oil dependence, oil shock, shockwave, SPR, strategic petroleum reserve
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When will the Alaska pipeline turn into an 800-mile-long Popsicle?
[Below are excerpts on the Alaskan pipeline from Rust: The Longest War by Jonathan Waldman. This is a great book, yet leaves so many possible rust stories uncovered, that I hope Waldman writes Rust II (or any other topic — … Continue reading
The difference between depletion and decline rate in oil fields
Notes from 26 page: Höök, M., Davidsson, S., Johansson, S., Tang, X. 2014. Decline and depletion rates of oil production: a comprehensive investigation. Philosophical Transactions. Series A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering science, 372 Depletion rate is the rate that the … Continue reading
Coal-to-liquids (CTL) can not compensate for declining oil & natural gas production
Notes from 23 page: Höök, M. & Aleklett, K. 2010. A review on coal-to-liquid fuels & its coal consumption. International journal of energy research Vol. 34 10:848-864 Annual decline in existing crude oil production is around 4-8%, equivalent to an … Continue reading
Posted in Coal to Liquids (CTL), Flow Rate
Tagged coal, coal-to-liquids, CTL, flow rate, peak oil
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