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Category Archives: Oil Shocks
Energy return on investment, peak oil, and the end of economic growth
David J. Murphy and Charles A. S. Hall. 2011. Energy return on investment, peak oil, and the end of economic growth in “Ecological Economics Reviews.” Robert Costanza, Karin Limburg & Ida Kubiszewski, Eds. Annals of the New York Academy of … Continue reading
Posted in Charles A. S. Hall, EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, EROEI remaining oil too low, How Much Left, Peak Oil, Scientists
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Oil, The Final Warning
OIL: THE FINAL WARNING June 25, 2008. Ian Sample. New Scientist (pg. 32) Howls of protest have been echoing round the globe as the price of oil punches through record highs with every passing week. In the UK, last month, hundreds … Continue reading
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2nd largest oil field in the world, Mexico’s Cantarell, declining rapidly
Mexican oil exports: start saying adios! by Martin Payne, 19 Mar 2008. Energy Bulletin. 1) This story illustrates the problem of RATE of production – you might have a lot of oil, but if you can only produce it at … Continue reading
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What is “our” oil doing in their economy? — Saudi oil consumption trends
What is “our” oil doing in their economy? — Saudi oil consumption trends April 8, 2011. Jonathan Callahan Oil importing nations have long treated Saudi Arabia as an infinitely deep well of crude oil supplies. In 2005, Matt Simmon’s book … Continue reading
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Oil Reserve Estimates are WAY too high
Old Math Casts Doubt on Accuracy of Oil Reserve Estimates Asjylyn Loder. april 3, 2014. Bloomberg News Jan Arps is the most influential oilman you’ve never heard of. In 1945, Arps, then a 33-year-old petroleum engineer for British-American Oil Producing … Continue reading
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Charles Hall on EROEI
[ For a full understanding of EROI, which Hall invented in 1973 as a way of evaluating which energy resources could best replace fossil fuels, see Hall’s latest book: Hall, Charles A.S. 2017. Energy Return on Investment: A Unifying Principle … Continue reading
Posted in Charles A. S. Hall, EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, EROEI remaining oil too low
Tagged EROEI, EROI, Hall
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Export Land Model and Energy Prices
What the Export Land Model Means for Energy Prices David Galland, Managing Director Casey Research June 5th, 2008 To understand the importance of exports when discussing peak oil, ask yourself the question: “What’s more important: the fact that global oil … Continue reading
Posted in Exports decline to ZERO, How Much Left, Oil Shocks
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Oil and Gas Infrastructure are Rusting Apart
Oil And Gas “Rust”: An Evil Worse Than Depletion Offshore Technology Conference May 5, 2008 Houston, Texas by Matthew R. Simmons Chairman Simmons & Company International Some of the slides are: If Infrastructure Not Rebuilt It Creates A Double Whammy … Continue reading
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Why is oil production peak the problem and not when the oil runs out?
First, a little history The exponential growth of population from 1 billion to 7 billion in less than 200 years was fueled by fossil fuels, especially oil, which does the actual work of a society and is as necessary as … Continue reading
Posted in Flow Rate, How Much Left
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A financial crash would stop new oil production, sending us over the net energy cliff with a 10% decline rate per year
Gail Tverberg’s March 4, 2014 “Reasons for our Energy Predicament – an overview” gave me this sudden insight: There is the potential for a sudden drop of 10 to 30% in oil production. That magnitude of world-wide oil shocks would … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Markets, Flow Rate, Net Energy Cliff, Oil Shocks, Threats to oil supply
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