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Category Archives: Flow Rate
Why is oil production peak the problem and not when the oil runs out?
First, a little history The exponential growth of population from 1 billion to 7 billion in less than 200 years was fueled by fossil fuels, especially oil, which does the actual work of a society and is as necessary as … Continue reading
Posted in Flow Rate, How Much Left
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A financial crash would stop new oil production, sending us over the net energy cliff with a 10% decline rate per year
Gail Tverberg’s March 4, 2014 “Reasons for our Energy Predicament – an overview” gave me this sudden insight: There is the potential for a sudden drop of 10 to 30% in oil production. That magnitude of world-wide oil shocks would … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Markets, Flow Rate, Net Energy Cliff, Oil Shocks, Threats to oil supply
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Matt Simmons “Twilight in the Desert” Saudi Arabia oil: how much left?
Once the large fields peak in Saudi Arabia oil shocks will reverberate throughout the world Best up-to-date status of oil fields in Saudi Arabia. Ghawar is in decline, but 2 new fields filled in, once they’re in decline, there are … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Flow Rate, How Much Left, Oil Shocks, Reserves Lower than stated
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Science Magazine: Peak Oil Production may have happened in 2005
[It’s widely known that peak conventional oil arrived in 2005. Yet it appears in EIA and IEA statistics that oil production has risen. This is because unconventional oil from natural gas liquids (mostly used to make plastic, not transportation fuel), … Continue reading
Posted in Flow Rate, How Much Left, Peak Oil
Tagged 2005, peak oil, peak oil 2005 science, science, science magazine