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Category Archives: Electric Grid & Fast Collapse
Electromagnetic Pulse weapons & cyberattacks can bring down the electric grid
Preface. At some point of energy decline the electric grid will fail, and civilization will take a giant step downward (financial systems gone, knowledge stored gone, computers / phones inoperable) and so on. Vaclav Smil (2015) in his book Energy … Continue reading
Electromagnetic pulse threat to infrastructure: U.S. House hearings 2012 & 2014
Related articles: Russian hackers suspected in attack that blacked out parts of Ukraine How the weapon works (pdf): CRASHOVERRIDE Analyzing the Threat to Electric Grid Operations The EMP Commission estimates a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, EMP Electromagnetic Pulse, Infrastructure & Collapse, Interdependencies, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Infrastructure, War
Tagged electromagnetic pulse, EMP, end of civilizatoni, nuclear war
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Wind’s dirty secret: it goes on vacation in the summer and year-round in the South East
Figure 1. Summer wind across the USA is barely to not economically viable Class 3 (light blue), or not at all economically viable Class 2 (orange) and class 1 (blank) (NREL), with very limited darker blue (class 4) and … Continue reading
Posted in Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Electrification, Seasonal, Wind
Tagged monthly, seasonal, wind resource maps, wind speed
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Out of time: 50 years to make a transition, 210 years at the current rate
If transportation is to be electrified, then electric generation and the electric grid must be doubled, or even tripled. So by Cobb’s calculation, that would push back the transition time to renewables 420 to 630 years. Alice Friedemann. By Kurt … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Peak Oil
Tagged alternative energy, peak oil, renewable energy, transition time
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Electric Grid Overview
[ Our energy, transportation, electric, water and other infrastructures are all heavily dependent on each other, making the U.S. one of the most vulnerable nations on earth. Although transportation is the most essential of all, especially trucks, which make the … Continue reading
Posted in Electric Grid, Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Energy
Tagged alternative energy, blackout, cyber attack, electric grid, overview, stability
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How the sun could end Nuclear Power
Flare-up: How the Sun Could Put an End to Nuclear Power Gar Smith. Spring 2012. Earth Island Journal. According to NASA, the planet will soon face an outbreak of powerful solar flares capable of collapsing global power grids. Were this … Continue reading
Posted in Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Nuclear Power Energy
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Lloyd’s of London EMP solar storm risk to North America
2013. Lloyd’s Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid. Atmospheric and Environmental Research. Society depends on electricity for everything from communication, banking and business transactions to basic necessities like food and water. Executive Summary A Carrington-level, extreme geomagnetic … Continue reading
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