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Category Archives: 3) Fast Crash
Book review of “Democracy in Chains”, the history of how extremist Republicans stealthily stole our Democracy
Preface. I can’t do justice to this book in a book review (so buy it), especially the history of how the right-wing libertarians came to be so powerful, their huge influence on congress, the judiciary, and laws enacted, and how … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged democracy, koch brothers, libertarian, Republican
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Net Energy Cliff & the Collapse of Civilization
figure 1. The remaining oil is poor quality, and the energy to get this often remote oil so great that more and more energy (blue) goes into oil production itself, leaving far less — the grey area — available to … Continue reading
Giant oil field decline rates, peak oil, & reserves
Preface. Of the roughly 47,500 oil fields in the world, 507 of them, about 1%, are giant oil fields holding nearly two-thirds of all the oil that has ever been, or ever will be produced, with the largest 100 giants, … Continue reading
Posted in Flow Rate, How Much Left, Peak Oil
Tagged deline rates, depletion, giant oil fields, land, non-opec, offshore, OPEC, peak oil
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How Christians were manipulated by Pat Robertson into becoming right-wing Republicans
This is a book review is of “The Gospel of self: How Jesus Joined the GOP.” It was written by an evangelical Christian for evangelical Christians to show them how he, as the senior producer of Pat Robertson’s “The 700 … Continue reading
Why large projects fail. Especially Renewable Energy
Megaprojects over $1 billion in order of likelihood to go over budget and timeline Preface. This is a book review of Flyvbjerg et al “How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from … Continue reading
Posted in An Index of Best Energyskeptic Posts, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Infrastructure Books, Interdependencies, Supply Chains
Tagged california electric rail, hydropower, infrastructure, nuclear, project failure
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Menhaden: the fish at the bottom of the ocean food web
Preface. Oil has allowed us to extract 90% of the fish in the ocean by being able to go to the ends of the earth using sonar and spotting planes to find the last schools. Menhaden have been overfished for … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Fisheries, Jobs and Skills, Starvation
Tagged extinction, fisheries, menhaden, radioactive shellfish, starvation
Colonization of Mars & The Moon: a book review of “A City On Mars”
Preface. There are so many difficulties to overcome to colonize Mars. If the astronauts can even survive the bombardment of radiation on the way there. Where would the energy come from? There is no flowing water for hydropower. Wind and … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Hopium, Human Nature, Planetary Boundaries, Where to Be or Not to Be
Tagged asteroids, astronauts, colonization, hopium, Mars, Moon, space
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Fill ‘er up with kelp?
Preface. Here are just a few of the dozens of reasons why seaweed can’t make a dent in energy supplies: A negative return on investment like corn ethanol No commercial biofuels are being made from it. Kelp is mainly used … Continue reading
Posted in Biomass, Energy, Peak Biofuels, Seaweed
Tagged EROEI, ethanol, kelp, macro-algae, macroalgae, nuclear war, peak biofuels, seaweed
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Peak Potassium threatens crops
Potassium is one of the Big 3 essential plant nutrients that has allowed human population to soar to 8 billion people,as well as phosphorus and nitrogen. Potassium is a vital nutrient for plant growth that helps with photosynthesis and respiration, … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Fertilizer, Peak Food
Tagged agriculture, peak food, peak potassium, potash
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