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Category Archives: Pandemic Fast Crash
Was the fall of the Roman Empire due to plagues & climate change?
Preface. Harper (2017) shows the brutal effects of plagues and climate change on the Roman Empire. McConnell (2020) proposes that a huge volcanic eruption in Alaska was a factor in bringing the Roman Empire and Cleopatra’s Egypt down. In addition, … Continue reading
Posted in Pandemic Fast Crash, Roman Empire
Tagged climate change, collapse, pandemic, plague, roman empire
1 Comment
Think covid-19 is bad? The tuberculosis pandemic is still killing millions
Preface. These are my kindle notes from “The Plague and I” by Betty MacDonald. Her great sense of humor, beautiful writing, and finding out what it would have been like to be in a Tuberculosis (TB) sanitarium in 1937 are … Continue reading
How a pandemic or bioweapon could take civilization down
Preface. I just listened to a 3.5 hour podcast on pandemics and bioweapons with the best up-to-date coverage I know of, and more interesting to listen to than reading a book or article. Just one of many scary problems: synthetic … Continue reading
Posted in 3) Fast Crash, Biowarfare, Interdependencies, Pandemic Fast Crash
Tagged biowarfare, bioweapon, collapse, CRISPR, interdependency, pandemic, synthetic biology
North Korea’s less-known military threat: Biological weapons
Preface. Oh no! North Korea is developing bioweapons probably. Here are some excerpts from the New York Times article. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer and “Crunch! Whole Grain … Continue reading
Posted in Biowarfare, Pandemic Fast Crash
Tagged anthrax, biowarfare, small pox
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