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Category Archives: ! PEAK EVERYTHING
Peak Oil, Coal and Natural gas in China
Preface. Below are excerpts from 2 articles. You may want to read Tverberg’s article here since I left out the charts and included just a few excerpts. Some key points: The world needs growing energy supply to support the world … Continue reading
Posted in EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, Peak Coal, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged china, EROEI, EROI, peak coal, peak natural gas, peak oil
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Robert Rapier: Oil demand is growing, not shrinking. There is no peak oil demand in sight.
[ Yes, this article was published 10 months ago, but with all the attention to fake news today, I thought it would be worthwhile pointing out that peak demand is propaganda, not based on facts. Since the goal of fake … Continue reading
Posted in Dependence on Oil, Electric Vehicles, Other Experts, Peak Oil, Transportation
Tagged electric cars, peak demand, peak oil
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U.S. Industrial farming destroys future food production for centuries
Preface. Below are excerpts from a devastating critique of current farming practices by the National research council who show the myriad ways that industrial farming is harming the land and future food production.
Peak Carbon
[ This is from the Seneca Effect written by somebody in the Netherlands, wish I knew who, he or she is quite brilliant. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer … Continue reading
Peak Cobalt
Preface. Electric vehicles use many other finite platinum group elements, precious elements, and rare earth elements. And there are many challenges batteries must overcome. In addition, the electric grid can’t stay up without utility scale energy storage of at least … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Critical Elements
Tagged battery, cobalt, critical element, peak
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Oil theft around the world: Cartels and exploding donkeys
Preface. Oil thefts cost Nigerian oil producers at least $18 billion a year. In Mexico, cartels spend only $5-8,000 to tap into pipelines and withdraw “unlimited” amounts of gasoline, and did so 7,000 times in 2016, resulting in $1 billion … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Oil, Threats to oil supply
Tagged oil, production, theft
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By 2020 it may be clear to everyone that oil decline has begun
Preface. There are two parts to Dittmar’s study. The first one concerns production, based on the most recent years of oil production. Dittmar found a strong pattern of oil decline after the plateau of 3% a year for five years, … Continue reading
Posted in Exports decline to ZERO, How Much Left, Peak Oil
Tagged collapse, decline, peak oil
Is Peak Oil dead? Not by a long shot! Remember Ladyfern?
Preface. Oil is finite. Period. Don’t be fooled by news stories that peak oil is dead, or we have reached peak demand. They’re all nonsense. Gail Tverberg at is especially good at explaining this. Worse yet, what we have … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas Fracked, Peak Natural Gas
Tagged fracked gas, ladyfern, shale gas, tragedy of the commons
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We’re killing our food supply and technology can’t save us
Farrell, Paul B. Feb 11, 2015. Opinion: We’re killing our food supply and technology can’t save us. Big Ag can’t feed 10 billion and magical technologies won’t appear. MarketWatch. We’re maxing-out on Peak Food. Billions go hungry. We’re poisoning our … Continue reading