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Category Archives: ! PEAK EVERYTHING
Doomsday: Will peak phosphate get us before global warming?
Price, Ed. July 22, 2013. Doomsday: Will Peak Phosphate Get us Before Global Warming? Although climate change catches the headlines, it is not the only doomsday scenario out there. A smaller but no less fervent band of worriers think … Continue reading
Sand mines used to frack oil & gas are destroying the best topsoil in the Midwest
Preface. Frac sand is a high-purity quartz sand that is injected into wells to blast and hold open cracks in the shale rock layer during the fracking process. In the United States, frac sand is being mined intensively from sandstone … Continue reading
Peak coal 2013-2045 — most likely 2025-2030
Preface. The amount of coal reserves is far less than what the IPCC has assumed in their models, where they used RESOURCES, which is coal that can’t be economically and/or technologically obtained. Typical economists, they assume humans are so smart … Continue reading
EROI of Canadian Natural Gas. A peak was reached despite enormous investment
[ Although I’ve extracted much of this paper, it is not complete—there are missing equations, figures, tables, and text– so see the paper for details (it is available online). I’ve rearranged the order of the paper. The conclusion is just … Continue reading
Posted in EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, Natural Gas, Peak Natural Gas
Tagged EROI, natural gas
How Much Oil is Left?
The Power of Exponential Growth: Every 10 years we have burned more oil than all previous decades Preface. There is a lot of oil left. The problem is, most of the remaining oil is unconventional, which needs a lot more … Continue reading
Posted in How Much Left, Oil, Peak Oil
Tagged conventional, fracked oil, how much oil left, oil, peak oil, Russia, tar sands, tight oil, unconventional
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Water as a geopolitical threat. U.S. House of Representatives
Preface. Water scarcity is causing unrest and could led to war in Asia and the Middle East. There’s a website that keeps track of conflicts over water going back for 3,000 years here — 655 of them. The prevalence of … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Congressional Record U.S., Peak Water, Water
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Fruit and nut crops decline as climate change melts fog
Fimrite, P. May 22, 2014. As Central Valley fog disappears, fruit, nut crops decline. San Francisco Chronicle. California produces 95% of U.S. fruit and nut crops that depend on disappearing Tule fog. The soupy thick tule fog that regularly blanketed … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Peak Food
Tagged agriculture, fog, food, fruit, nuts
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Scientific American: Peak oil and coal may keep catastrophic climate change in check
[ Since conventional oil, 90% of supply, peaked in 2005-6 we’ve been on a plateau. Since the rate of conventional oil decline exponentially decreasing, and population is still exponentially increasing, it is unlikely unconventional oil like shale “fracked” oil, tar … Continue reading
Posted in But not from climate change: Peak Fossil Fuels, Peak Coal, Peak Oil
Tagged climate change, IPCC, peak coal, peak oil
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