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Category Archives: ! PEAK EVERYTHING
Why the world is headed the way of Easter island
Petros Sekeris. 19 November 2014. Violence ahead as tragedies of the commons spread. NewScientist. The world risks heading the way of Easter Island – a spiral into conflict as depleted natural resources are plundered. There is a growing feeling that … Continue reading
Promoting soil health in agriculture at U.S. House hearing 2014
Preface. At last, many years after I first published “Peak soil: Why biofuels destroy ecosystems and civilizations” in 2007, Congress had a hearing to educate House members on why preserving topsoil is so essential for food production for future generations. … Continue reading
Posted in Biomass, Peak Topsoil, Pesticides, Soil, U.S. Congress Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged agriculture, cover crop, erosion, no-till, peak soil, soil health, U.S. House of representatives
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Plants are sucking streams dry thanks to more CO2
Slezak, M. October 24, 2015. Carbon emissions make Earth greener but are also drying it out. NewScientist. Source: Ukkola, A. M., et al. October 19, 2015 Reduced streamflow in water-stressed climates consistent with CO2 effects on vegetation. Nature Climate Change 6, … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Peak Water, Water
Tagged carbon dioxide, climate change, streams, water
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The Hidden Costs of Oil. U.S. Senate hearing 2006.
[ This post has excerpts from the 2006 U.S. Senate hearing “The Hidden Cost of Oil”. It is a timely reminder, now that gasoline prices are low and peak oil off the radar, that we are nowhere near the American … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Military, Peak Oil, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy policy, oil dependence, peak oil, war
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Schlesinger predicts investments in 2006 will cause oil glut and denial of peak oil in future
Energy Security and Oil Dependence. Two Senate hearings from 2006. In these two 2006 hearings (excerpts below), there is a constant refrain of our dependence on oil, yet now, many congressional hearings are about our energy independence. Apparently congress has … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Oil, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged biden, biofuels, copulos, dependence, energy, energy policy, ethanol, grumet, khosla, oil, peak oil, schlesinger, woolsey
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China consumes mind-boggling amounts of raw materials
September 10, 2015. China Consumes Mind-Boggling Amounts of Raw Materials. Visual Capitalist. Over the last 20 years, the world economy has relied on the Chinese economic growth engine more than it would like to admit. … Continue reading
Tagged aluminum, china, concrete, copper, minerals, nickel, steel
Shale Euphoria: The Boom and Bust of Sub Prime Oil and Natural Gas
[ U.S. house hearings have stated that the U.S. is energy independent, that shale oil and gas will give us a century of energy independence: House 112-176 in 2012, House 113-1 2013, and several others. In fact we have so … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas Fracked, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged bubble, deflation, fracking, gas, oil, peak natural gas, peak oil, shale
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Dennis Coyne predicts world coal production peak in 2025-2030
See Coyne’s article at: Dennis Coyne. March 11, 2016. Coal Shock Model. [ The IPCC has not invited geologists to estimate fossil reserves, and sides with the “no limits to growth” economists. The IPCC believes that too expensive or … Continue reading
Posted in But not from climate change: Peak Fossil Fuels, Coal, Peak Coal
Tagged coal, peak coal, production
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Coal plants are causing water shortages in China
Wong, E. March 22, 2016. Report Ties Coal Plants to Water Shortage in Northern China. New York Times. China’s consumption of coal, a major contributor to climate change and the country’s horrific air pollution, is worsening a severe water shortage … Continue reading
Posted in China, Energy Production, Peak Water
Tagged china, coal, power, water
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GAO asks Congress to prepare for Peak Oil
[The Department of Energy (DOE) asked Robert Hirsch to come up with a peak oil risk management and mitigation plan which was published in 2005. Nothing happened, so in 2007 the Government Accountability Office asked Congress to prepare for Peak … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Peak Oil
Tagged congress, GAO, investment, peak oil, risk, strategy
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