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Category Archives: ! PEAK EVERYTHING
Peak Coal in China likely to be around 2024
Mohr, S. H., et al. February 1, 2015. Projection of world fossil fuels by country. Fuel volume 141: 120-135. We model world fossil fuel production by country including unconventional sources. Scenarios suggest coal production peaks before 2025 due to China. … Continue reading
Global oil risks in the early 21st century, Energy Policy 2011
[This is a large excerpt from an excellent 18-page paper I think predicts how the future will unfold as well as a good overview of our predicament. Alice Friedemann] Fantazzini, Dean; Höök, Mikael; Angelantoni, André. 2011. Global oil risks in … Continue reading
Posted in Other Experts, Peak Oil, Scientists, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged contracting economy, debt, Export Land Model, food and fuel riots, peak oil, pensions, social welfare programs, supply chains
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Peak soil, peak phosphate, peak fertilizer means Peak Food
Amundson, R., et al. May 7, 2015. Soil and human security in the 21st century. Science 348. A group of leading soil scientists has summarized the precarious state of the world’s soil resources and the possible ramifications for human security … Continue reading
Posted in Agriculture Infrastructure, Peak Food, Peak Topsoil, Scientists Warnings to Humanity, Soil
Tagged peak fertilizer, peak food, peak phosphate, peak soil
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A third of Nuclear Reactors are going to die of old age in the next 10-20 years
70% of reactors are over 25 years old, 23% are over 35 years old, so within 10 to 20 years about a third will have to be decommissioned, far more than the 63 under construction. Some are bound to fail … Continue reading
Charles A. S. Hall Conventional oil peak was 2005
The global production of conventional oil began to decline in 2005, and has followed a path over the last 11 years very close to our scenarios assuming low estimates of extractable ultimate resource (1.9 Gbbl) John L. Hallock Jr., Wei … Continue reading
Posted in Charles A. S. Hall, Peak Oil
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Over 21 essential resources have peaked including fish, milk, eggs, wheat, corn, rice, soy
Nature summary of this article: “The rates at which humans consume multiple resources such as food and wood peaked at roughly the same time, around 2006. This means that resources could be simultaneously depleted, so achieving sustainability might be more … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Peak Food
Tagged food, limits to growth, overpopulation, peak
Solar Photovoltaics (PV) limited by raw materials
This paper (excerpts below) shows that there are limits to growth — there simply aren’t enough minerals in the world that can be produced physically and/or at a reasonable cost for the many of the most common kinds of PV … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Rare Earth Elements, Photovoltaic Solar
Tagged rare earth
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Limits to Growth
Preface. What follows are a bunch of articles on limits to growth, sometimes just a link, sometimes excerpts. Today Wall Street Journal and other neocapitalists scorn the idea, insisting that human ingenuity and substitution can overcome all obstacles, and they … Continue reading
Shale “fracked” natural gas peak by 2020: Mason Inman’s “Natural gas, the fracking fallacy”
[ In 2005 the U.S. was making desperate plans to build dozens of Liquefied Natural Gas plants for importing gas. Fracked gas changed that for the past 10 years, indeed, now the U.S. is talking about exporting natural gas. But … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas, Peak Natural Gas
Tagged fracking, natural gas, Patzek, peak natural gas
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Out of time: 50 years to make a transition, 210 years at the current rate
If transportation is to be electrified, then electric generation and the electric grid must be doubled, or even tripled. So by Cobb’s calculation, that would push back the transition time to renewables 420 to 630 years. Alice Friedemann. By Kurt … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Peak Oil
Tagged alternative energy, peak oil, renewable energy, transition time
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