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Category Archives: Peak Coal
Why liquefied coal (CTL) and natural gas (GTL) can’t replace oil
Preface. Here are just a few of the reasons why we aren’t likely to convert enough coal to diesel to matter as oil decines (see Chapter 11 Liquefied Coal: There Goes the Neighborhood, the Water, and the Air for more … Continue reading
Posted in Coal to Liquids (CTL), GTL Gas-To-Liquids, Peak Coal, Peak Oil
Tagged coal-to-liquids, CTL, flow rate, gas-to-liquids, GTL, peak coal, peak oil
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Half of U.S. Coal runs out in 30 years, not 250
Preface. The USGS did a survey of coal in the U.S. in 1974 and announced that America had 250 years of coal left. In 2007, the National Research Council wrote a report suggesting 100 years was more likely due to … Continue reading
Peak Oil, Coal and Natural gas in China
Preface. Below are excerpts from 2 articles. You may want to read Tverberg’s article here since I left out the charts and included just a few excerpts. Some key points: The world needs growing energy supply to support the world … Continue reading
Posted in EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, Peak Coal, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged china, EROEI, EROI, peak coal, peak natural gas, peak oil
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Peak Carbon
[ This is from the Seneca Effect written by somebody in the Netherlands, wish I knew who, he or she is quite brilliant. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer … Continue reading
Gail Tverberg: Why peak coal, oil, and natural gas will all happen at the same time
China: Is peak coal part of its problem? by Gail Tverberg, | Jun 20, 2016 The world’s coal resources are clearly huge. How could China, or the world in total, reach peak coal in a timeframe that makes a … Continue reading
Posted in China, Gail Tverberg, Peak Coal, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged peak coal, peak natural gas, peak oil
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Peak coal 2013-2045 — most likely 2025-2030
Preface. The amount of coal reserves is far less than what the IPCC has assumed in their models, where they used RESOURCES, which is coal that can’t be economically and/or technologically obtained. Typical economists, they assume humans are so smart … Continue reading
Scientific American: Peak oil and coal may keep catastrophic climate change in check
[ Since conventional oil, 90% of supply, peaked in 2005-6 we’ve been on a plateau. Since the rate of conventional oil decline exponentially decreasing, and population is still exponentially increasing, it is unlikely unconventional oil like shale “fracked” oil, tar … Continue reading
Posted in But not from climate change: Peak Fossil Fuels, Peak Coal, Peak Oil
Tagged climate change, IPCC, peak coal, peak oil
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Dennis Coyne predicts world coal production peak in 2025-2030
See Coyne’s article at: Dennis Coyne. March 11, 2016. Coal Shock Model. [ The IPCC has not invited geologists to estimate fossil reserves, and sides with the “no limits to growth” economists. The IPCC believes that too expensive or … Continue reading
Posted in But not from climate change: Peak Fossil Fuels, Coal, Peak Coal
Tagged coal, peak coal, production
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