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Category Archives: Peak Natural Gas
Shale “fracked” natural gas peak by 2020: Mason Inman’s “Natural gas, the fracking fallacy”
[ In 2005 the U.S. was making desperate plans to build dozens of Liquefied Natural Gas plants for importing gas. Fracked gas changed that for the past 10 years, indeed, now the U.S. is talking about exporting natural gas. But … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas, Peak Natural Gas
Tagged fracking, natural gas, Patzek, peak natural gas
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Energy Watch Group: Worldwide Peak Coal & Natural Gas 2020, Peak Oil 2012
SUMMARY: Based on data from all over the world, the Energy Watch Group concludes that 2005 Peak Crude Oil 2012 Peak Crude oil plus unconventional liquids 2019 Peak Natural Gas worldwide 2020 Peak coal 40% decline in oil production by … Continue reading
Posted in ! PEAK EVERYTHING, Net Energy Cliff, Peak Coal, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
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James Howard Kunstler “True Believers”
James Howard Kunstler. August 17, 2005. True Believers. There is a special species of idiot at large in the financial media space who believe absolutely in the desperate and tragic public relations bullshit that this society churns out to convince … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas Fracked, Other Experts, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged fracking, peak natural gas, peak oil
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