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Category Archives: Religion
The evolution of the Republican party from 1960 to 2024: from moderate democracy to extreme authoritarianism
Preface (long). Over time the planks grew more and more religious, stopped mentioning voting rights in 1980 as well as a war on regulations, stopped supporting the equal rights for women, could care less about abortion to being against it … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Politics, Religion
Tagged abortion, Agenda 21, evangelist, Extremists, Fanatics, politics, Republicans, women's rights
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Book Review “Conservatives without Conscience” by John Dean
Preface. This is a book review of “Conservatives without Conscience” by John Dean. It is the best book I’ve read in explaining the history of conservatism and leaders like Newt Gingrich on the increasing authoritarianism of Republicans, It also explains … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Human Nature, Pat Robertson, Political Books, Politics
Tagged conservatives, evangelical, fascism, fundamentalist, Republican, sociopath
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Book review of “The Power Worshippers. Inside the dangerous rise of religious nationalism”
Preface. One of the many items I found of interest in this book “The Power Worshippers” was that it wasn’t until 1979, six years after Roe v Wade, that conservative activists seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control, Politics, Religion
Tagged Authoritarian, evangelical, fascist, religion, Trump
Book review of “Deer Hunting with Jesus” Best book on why people vote for Trump
Preface. This is a book review of Joe Bageant’s 2008 Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War. Joe Bageant grew up in poor, conservative Winchester Virginia, which is like tens of thousands of other small towns in America. … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Politics, Religion
Tagged class war, fake news, propaganda, Republican, Trump voters
How Christians were manipulated by Pat Robertson into becoming right-wing Republicans
This is a book review is of “The Gospel of self: How Jesus Joined the GOP.” It was written by an evangelical Christian for evangelical Christians to show them how he, as the senior producer of Pat Robertson’s “The 700 … Continue reading
The Biblical Revelations, critical thinking, and how this affects us today
Preface. This is a book review of Ehrman’s 2023 Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says about the End. Ehrman is a very devout biblical scholar who explains brilliantly what Revelations and other verses in the bible mean within their … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Religion
Tagged bible, critical thinking. religion, Rapture, Revelations
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What percent of Americans are rational?
Preface. Why does rationality matter — what’s the harm in believing there’s a fat “Santa Claus” God in the sky noting down every time any intelligent creature in the entire universe is naughty or nice on the trillions of inhabited … Continue reading
Will women be accused of witchcraft after energy descent?
Preface. This is a book review of “In Defense of Witches: The Legacy of the Witch Hunts and Why Women Are Still on Trial.” The author Chollet writes that the book won’t spend much time on witchcraft today, but explore … Continue reading
How corporations used evangelists to gain wealth, power, and undo the New Deal
Source: Republican Jesus Preface. This is a book review of One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America by Kevin Kruse (2016), followed by excerpts from the book. Much of this introduction is my take on what this … Continue reading
Posted in Corruption, Corruption & Finance, Distribution of Wealth, Religion
Tagged corporations, corruption, evangelical, free enterprise, fundamentalist, Jesus, religion, Republican
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Where do we come from, who are we, and where are we going?
Preface. This is a book of review of The Social Conquest of Earth, in which E. O. Wilson answers these questions. Although tribes have invented thousands of creation myths since paleolithic times, Wilson finally has written a book explaining our … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Evolution, Natural History, Religion
Tagged evolution, religion, selection, superstition, Wilson
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