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Category Archives: Religion
Republicans way ahead of Democrats on voter data
Preface. This is a book review and Kindle notes of Nelson’s “Shadow Network: Media, money and the secret hub of the Radical Right”. It tells the sad history of how Republicans got Trump elected and took over the House, and … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, Religion
Tagged Democrat, election, evangelist, Republican, Trump, vote
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Jacob Tanenbaum: Creation, Evolution and Indisputable facts
Preface. And you wonder why Trump got elected? Evangelists are 25% of voters, and 80% of them voted for Trump. Clearly they can’t think clearly. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Religion
Tagged bible, creationism, critical thinking, evolution
The dangers of relativism, of not being able to criticize anyone or anything because all of our beliefs are equal
[ I’ve been criticized for attacking right-wing Republicans, fundamentalist Christians, astrology, medicinal quackery, and so on. This is dangerous nonsense. It means I can’t criticize Hitler, because after all, he was a product of his times. I can’t tell my … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Human Nature, Politics, Religion
Tagged critical thinking, relativism
Fantasyland 8. Religion the main factor in America’s descent into the darkness of superstition
[ This is the 8th of nine posts about Fantasyland. Andersen believes all of the madness and superstition in America originally springs from our history of religiosity. The scariest part of the insanity is that there are Christians trying to … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged Armageddon, critical thinking, insanity, Rapture, religion, superstition
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Fantasyland 6. New Age, alternative medicine, and supernatural madness
Preface. This is the sixth of nine posts about this very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. New Age and supernatural beliefs are the religion of people who … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged alternative medicine, critical thinking, New Age, religion, supernatural
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Fantasyland 5. Why Americans are so prone to believing in conspiracies
Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about this very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Links to the 9 parts of this book review: 1 2 … Continue reading
Fantasyland 4. American churches go from crazy to insane and unhinged: 1800 to present
Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about Fantasyland. This is a very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Evangelism threatens to create a non-democratic, authoritarian government, … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged critical thinking, history of irrational christianity, religion
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Republican party platform: the most extreme ever
Preface. There are two articles below: the New York Times editorial on the 2016 Republican platform (they call Republicans Extremists too), followed by the 50 platform policies. Basically, the GOP 2016 platform would make Christianity the official American religion, replace … Continue reading
Posted in Human Nature, Politics, Religion
Tagged 2016, Extremists, platform, Republican
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Fantasyland 3. History of increasing craziness of U.S. religion from 1517 to 1800
Preface. In another post about critical thinking, “What percent of Americans are rational?”, I list the results of 10 polls about what Americans believe. Here are the questions about Christianity. When there’s more than one figure, they’re from different polls: … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged Christianity, religion
1 Comment
Fantasyland Part 2. How America Went Haywire. A 500-Year History.
Preface. This is the second of nine parts about the book “”Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire. A 500-Year History”, mostly the introduction. Links to the 9 parts of this book review: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Continue reading