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Category Archives: Nuclear Winter
Why the U.S. is ignoring nuclear winter in nuclear policies & strategies
Preface. It is very hard to find anything on the U.S. military or governments awareness of nuclear winter. So far the only other information I’ve found on this is from 2023 Risk Analysis methods for nuclear war & nuclear terrorism. … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter
Tagged nuclear winter, Russia, united states
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Nuclear weapons must be reduced or we risk nuclear winter
Geoscientists Can Help Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons Preface. The United States has embarked on a wide-ranging nuclear modernization program that will ultimately see every nuclear delivery system replaced with newer versions over the coming decades. The total cost … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear Winter
Tagged arms reduction, nuclear winter
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Nuclear winter could kill 2 to 5 billion people
Preface. Carl Sagan introduced the idea of a “nuclear winter”, which helped to end the cold war. The smoke from fires started by bombs would absorb so much sun the earth wold grow cold, dry, and dark, killing plants on … Continue reading
Posted in Extinction, Farming & Ranching, Fisheries, Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter
Tagged 1 billion deaths, agriculture, fishery, nuclear, nuclear winter, ozone loss, UV radiation, war
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