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Category Archives: Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy
The evolution of the Republican party from 1960 to 2024: from moderate democracy to extreme authoritarianism
Preface (long). Over time the planks grew more and more religious, stopped mentioning voting rights in 1980 as well as a war on regulations, stopped supporting the equal rights for women, could care less about abortion to being against it … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Politics, Religion
Tagged abortion, Agenda 21, evangelist, Extremists, Fanatics, politics, Republicans, women's rights
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Book review of “Deer Hunting with Jesus” Best book on why people vote for Trump
Preface. This is a book review of Joe Bageant’s 2008 Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War. Joe Bageant grew up in poor, conservative Winchester Virginia, which is like tens of thousands of other small towns in America. … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Politics, Religion
Tagged class war, fake news, propaganda, Republican, Trump voters
How Christians were manipulated by Pat Robertson into becoming right-wing Republicans
This is a book review is of “The Gospel of self: How Jesus Joined the GOP.” It was written by an evangelical Christian for evangelical Christians to show them how he, as the senior producer of Pat Robertson’s “The 700 … Continue reading
What percent of Americans are rational?
Preface. Why does rationality matter — what’s the harm in believing there’s a fat “Santa Claus” God in the sky noting down every time any intelligent creature in the entire universe is naughty or nice on the trillions of inhabited … Continue reading
Fantasyland 9. Myths and infotainment
Preface. This is the last of the Fantasyland review series. Links to the 9 parts of this book review: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature
Tagged critical thinking, delusions, fantasyland, infotainment
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Fantasyland 8. Religion the main factor in America’s descent into the darkness of superstition
[ This is the 8th of nine posts about Fantasyland. Andersen believes all of the madness and superstition in America originally springs from our history of religiosity. The scariest part of the insanity is that there are Christians trying to … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged Armageddon, critical thinking, insanity, Rapture, religion, superstition
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Fantasyland 7. How America became the world’s biggest theme park
Preface. This is the 7th of 9 posts about Fantasyland. Some theme park quotes: One of America’s first theme parks was created in 1894, Black America, with 500 pretend slaves advertised as “Fun for the Darkies” and the “Fun-Loving … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature
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Fantasyland 5. Why Americans are so prone to believing in conspiracies
Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about this very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Links to the 9 parts of this book review: 1 2 … Continue reading
Fantasyland 4. American churches go from crazy to insane and unhinged: 1800 to present
Preface. This is the fifth of nine posts about Fantasyland. This is a very important book on how and why a large percent of Americans have has been irrational for 500 years. Evangelism threatens to create a non-democratic, authoritarian government, … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged critical thinking, history of irrational christianity, religion
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Fantasyland 3. History of increasing craziness of U.S. religion from 1517 to 1800
Preface. In another post about critical thinking, “What percent of Americans are rational?”, I list the results of 10 polls about what Americans believe. Here are the questions about Christianity. When there’s more than one figure, they’re from different polls: … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy, Human Nature, Religion
Tagged Christianity, religion
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