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Category Archives: Birth Control
Book review of “The Power Worshippers. Inside the dangerous rise of religious nationalism”
Preface. One of the many items I found of interest in this book “The Power Worshippers” was that it wasn’t until 1979, six years after Roe v Wade, that conservative activists seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control, Politics, Religion
Tagged Authoritarian, evangelical, fascist, religion, Trump
Megan Siebert at “What to do”
Preface. This is what I saw on December 12, 2020. To see a more up-to-date list go to the Real GND website: If you’d like to know how to fund these measures, then go here. To take action, go … Continue reading
Richard Heinberg: Only less will do
Richard Heinberg. March 16, 2015. Only Less Will Do. Post Carbon Institute. [portions of this article were cut, reworded, and rearranged] Almost nobody likes to hear about the role of scale in our global environmental crisis, because if growth is … Continue reading
PNAS: Human population reduction is not a quick fix
Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems by Corey J. A. Bradshaw and Barry W. Brook Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Edited by Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University, and approved September 15, 2014 … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control, Population, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged catastrophe, demography, fertility, mortality, war
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John Howe on one child per woman: still too high to stay under oil depletion curve
[In the graph below, you can see that “Howe’s slide says that even with 1 child per female we don’t stay under a depletion curve of 1% per year” — private communication from Charles A. S. Hall May 13, 2012] … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control, Population
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Zero to One Child per Woman: The only possible solution at this late date
Excerpt from “The Sky Is Falling: Chicken Little Was Right All Along” by Don Wilkin Nov 2013. “I am convinced the only equitable, humane, and effective way to pull our fat out of the fire at this late date, if … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control
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Birth Control Impossible due to Religion, they prefer you die of starvation, disease, and war
What a horror: so-called “Pro-Life” religions force their nasty beliefs on a woman’s right to control her own destiny and a civilizations ability to decently house and feed citizens, dooming societies of the future crazed from hunger and disease brought … Continue reading
Posted in Birth Control, What to do
Tagged birth control, collapse, disease, hunger, pro-life, religion, starvation, war, women's right to choose
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